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I've been having a problem with my FCOM, which I've tried to struggle with the installation of for the past week or so. (How I envy those who have succeeded and are now playing an even more awesomified version of Oblivion...) What happens is, I start a new game, Either using alternative start or otherwise, and once the hotkey Torch is added to my inventory the game gives me the good ol' CTD I just love... However, while cute the first few times it gets kinda boring eventually, so I would love some help in getting rid of it.


Anyway, I figured the largest amount of detail I can produce for the least amount of effort would be to copy-paste my BOSS report (Load Order, mods used, etc.) and point out things in it (And just so you won't have to look for them, I made my comments red)... So here goes.




Better Oblivion Sorting Software Load Order Utility


© Random007 & the BOSS development team, 2009-2010

Some rights reserved.

CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0


v1.51 (2 April 2010)



Master .ESM date: Fri Dec 08 12:55:50 2006

FCOM detected.

OOO detected.

Better Cities not detected.




Recognised and re-ordered mod files:




. Note: Masterlist Information: $Revision: 902 $, $Date: 2010-05-06 00:21:38 -0700 (Thu, 06 May 2010) $, $LastChangedBy: pacificmorrowind $


Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Invent, Delev, Relev, Actors.AIData,Actors.Stats, Stats}}


Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Invent,Scripts,Stats,Relations}}


Mart's Monster Mod.esm

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Delev,Factions,Relations,Relev}}


Open Cities Resources.esm


Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

. Note: Recommend installing UOP hotfix for additional fixes: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27710

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.CombatStyle,Actors.DeathItem,Actors.Stats,C.Climate,C.Light,C.Name,C.Owner,Creatures.Blood,Delev,Factions,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}} and remove the C.Water tag (only exist in older version).

. Note: Remember to use the 'MOBS' version when using Francesco's or FCOM.

. Note: Newest MOBS and non-MOBS versions have the same name.


UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp




Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp

. Note: Remember to use the 'MOBS' version when using Francesco's and FCOM.

. Note: Newest MOBS and non-MOBS versions have the same name.

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.DeathItem,Actors.Stats,C.Climate,C.Light,C.Name,C.Owner,Delev,Factions,Invent,Names,Relev,Scripts,Stats,Relations}}



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Graphics,Stats}}

. Note: Not need if you use MOBS SI.esp



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Graphics,Stats}}


MOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp


MOBS SI Optional Combat Settings.esp


Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp


Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp


Francesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.esp


Francesco's Optional Leveled Quests-SI only.esp


Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp

. Requires: Shivering Isles expansion.



. Requires: Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.



. Requires: Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.

. Requires: Francesco's supplementary addon package.



. Requires: Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items 4.5b.


Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp


RAEVWD Cities.esp


RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp


RAEVWD Imperial City.esp




DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp







. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Relev}}


Ranokoas Organized Potions.esp (Not used)

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Names,Deactivate}} If not using Wrye Bash load with overrides but then incompatible with most overhauls etc.



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:C.Name,C.Light}}



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Stats}}


Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp

. Requires: 'FCOM_BobsArmory.esp'.


Cheat Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp



. Requires: 'Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp'.


Oblivion WarCry EV.esp

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.ACBS,Actors.DeathItem,Actors.Stats,Delev,Graphics,Invent,Relev,Stats}}

. Requires: either 'FCOM_WarCry.esp' or 'FCOM_WarCryNoSpawn.esp'.



. Note: Use either 'FCOM_WarCry.esp' or 'FCOM_WarCryNoSpawn.esp', not both.



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.ACBS,Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}


Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp

. Note: Can increase the chances of a CTD in a heavily modded game.



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.ACBS,Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.CombatStyle,Actors.DeathItem,Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}






Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp


Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp


Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp


Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp


Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Invent,Scripts,Stats}}






Battlehorn_mobs.esp (Not used)

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Stats}}



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:C.Name,C.Owner}}




Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:C.Light,Invent,Names,Relev,Stats}}


DLC_MOBS.esp (Not using the mentioned esp files, although they are in the directiory)

. Note: Don't use Battlehorn_mobs.esp, Lair_mobs.esp, Mehrunes_mobs.esp, or Thievesden_mobs.esp if using this as this includes all those.

. Note: Use version 1.01 'http://tesnexus.com/downloads/download.php?id=29355' for Bashed Patch

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Stats}}




OCC-RTTv3 Patch.esp

. Note: Works with RTT 3.0 only.



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Delev,Factions,Relations,Relev}}

. Requires: DLC 'Knights.esp'.


FCOM_EnhancedDaedricInvasion.esp (in directory though not used)


Open Cities Full + Leyawiin Reborn.esp




FCOM_UnofficialFranArmorAddon.esp (in directory though not used)

. Requires: 'Fran Armor Add-on.esp' from 'Unofficial Francesco's Armor'.




Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Relations}}




OC+Midas Magic Patch.esp


No psychic guards v1.2.esp



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.AIData}}






Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp

. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Body-M,Body-F,R.Relations}}


Bashed Patch, 0.esp


Streamline 3.1.esp



Unrecognised mod files:

Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.









I realise it is a hefty duty going over this for a complete stranger, so all help would be greatly appreciated!

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A few things I noticed:


1. Please use spoiler tags and Wrye Bash to post load order for easier reading

2. Don't use both Bob's Armory and Cheat Bob's Armory at the same time, pick one

3. You have a few FCOM compatibility patches for mods that dont seem to be installed In directory but not used

4. The mods involved in FCOM have many features, some of which should not be installed with FCOM or need specific compatibility patches in order to work (i.e. Fran's leveled quests). Read the install guide carefully for which plugins should be installed.

5. Make sure you have the Fran's compatible unofficial patch for SI


Im not sure if these are causing that specific CTD, but cleaning these up may help.

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Please post your load order with Wrye Bash in spoiler tags. The BOSS log contains a lot of extra junk that makes your LO hard to read. That's not even your LO in this case. Please, post through Wrye Bash: Right-click on the File tab, and choose 'List Mods'. Just edit that post. For spoiler tags, after copying the Bash LO, just replace "codebox" with "spoiler".


Cheat Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp <-- remove this


You should be using OMOBS not MOBS.


FCOM Installation Guide - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/walkthroughs/fcomguide <-- Check what you did against this.

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