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hmmm, hey how about a mod to completely build a new town... oh wait, is that what you meant? I haven't looked at any mods for Morrowind so I was a bit confused. I like that idea though

Yep thats basicly what i was thinking but ultimately its up to him, either way it'll be a pretty sweet mod and an awesome project to be a part of.

Whenever i get a new house or apartment in the game i always felt like there was something missing, this will feel more complete and at the end of it all like an acomplishment when your standing outside your new house that you've built with your own hands whether those hands be a Xivilai(Like me!) or those of a breton or argonian.

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hmmmm, you'd think that with all the mods I have that not only make me count of Kvatch, possibly part of the elder council, a more immersive Madgod, (where I can add stuff), and also a jewlery store owner. That I could find workers and not have to build it myself, or use my madgod powers and turn some poor fool into a house, maybe the guy that sold the land to me, lol.
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hmmmm, you'd think that with all the mods I have that not only make me count of Kvatch, possibly part of the elder council, a more immersive Madgod, (where I can add stuff), and also a jewlery store owner. That I could find workers and not have to build it myself, or use my madgod powers and turn some poor fool into a house, maybe the guy that sold the land to me, lol.


Rofl, you gotta point me in the direction of that immersive madgod mod(hehe i rymed..) and i imagine the player wont be doing it ALL by himself, when making a home theres always subcontracting and schematics to be planned and done and i imagine in a world like tamriel theres the occasional goblin attacks depending on the territory.

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hmmm, hey how about a mod to completely build a new town... oh wait, is that what you meant? I haven't looked at any mods for Morrowind so I was a bit confused. I like that idea though

Yep thats basicly what i was thinking but ultimately its up to him, either way it'll be a pretty sweet mod and an awesome project to be a part of.

Whenever i get a new house or apartment in the game i always felt like there was something missing, this will feel more complete and at the end of it all like an acomplishment when your standing outside your new house that you've built with your own hands whether those hands be a Xivilai(Like me!) or those of a breton or argonian.


ghe I haven't quite got the time for that - this house alone will probably take me a couple of months

also - could you refer to me as her ;p *I iz female*

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hmmm, hey how about a mod to completely build a new town... oh wait, is that what you meant? I haven't looked at any mods for Morrowind so I was a bit confused. I like that idea though

Yep thats basicly what i was thinking but ultimately its up to him, either way it'll be a pretty sweet mod and an awesome project to be a part of.

Whenever i get a new house or apartment in the game i always felt like there was something missing, this will feel more complete and at the end of it all like an acomplishment when your standing outside your new house that you've built with your own hands whether those hands be a Xivilai(Like me!) or those of a breton or argonian.


ghe I haven't quite got the time for that - this house alone will probably take me a couple of months

also - could you refer to me as her ;p *I iz female*

Yeah, I thought so, didn't want to ask if you were incase I was wrong and offended you.

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hmmm, hey how about a mod to completely build a new town... oh wait, is that what you meant? I haven't looked at any mods for Morrowind so I was a bit confused. I like that idea though

Yep thats basicly what i was thinking but ultimately its up to him, either way it'll be a pretty sweet mod and an awesome project to be a part of.

Whenever i get a new house or apartment in the game i always felt like there was something missing, this will feel more complete and at the end of it all like an acomplishment when your standing outside your new house that you've built with your own hands whether those hands be a Xivilai(Like me!) or those of a breton or argonian.


ghe I haven't quite got the time for that - this house alone will probably take me a couple of months

also - could you refer to me as her ;p *I iz female*


Righto! hehe.. sorry ma'am =P Anyhow, where will the location you have in mind be and any thoughts on how the building process will be handled?

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the location is near Chorrol, to the east of it. For the building process I thought I'd create activators out of tools, like hammers, and when the player activates it the house builds itself before the player's eyes - while he is held in place
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Dropbox is popular for file sharing within groups, so are megupload/rapidshare/4shared . If you need a closed off place to upload/download let me know, I have a site for that as well.


A little note on sharing your emails with each other. You do all know that bots crawl this forum and might have already subscribed you for about a 100 spam mails? Be careful with posting an email :smile:.

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the location is near Chorrol, to the east of it. For the building process I thought I'd create activators out of tools, like hammers, and when the player activates it the house builds itself before the player's eyes - while he is held in place

That sounds awesome i cant wait to test it out, that should also give the player more choice in how he/she wants to build his/her home. Should also be like a shed or something that lets players take a look at the different tiles and options available to them sort of like a mini home depo, that is if im correct in assuming you'd like to offer choice in how the place is built which sounds like the basic idea you have in mind.


To Pronam: Thanks that does sound like something we'll end up having to make use of.

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