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The Paladin Order of Talos


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Okay this is a mod that will add a Faction, called the Order of Talos. It's a bunch of Paladins and I need help with a bunch of stuff, I'm fine doing the writing and putting it all together, but I'm completely inept at actually making anything, like textures/maps/scripts/ the like.


So I was wondering if anyone would like to help. First off I would like three armor sets and a sword to be modeled, the armors should look like these:


http://bestgamewallpapers.com/files/myth-war-online/human-paladin.jpg This will be the head Paladin, but don't mod the sword unless you want it for a side project.


http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs36/f/2008/277/a/b/Paladin_Concept_by_liquidology.jpg This will be for the 'officers' for lack of a better term, in the order if you could make the armor more silver but still have some gold in it.


http://www.ramapeddada.com/paladin.jpg Hard to see somewhat, but if you could chang the red to gold, and on the front have something to do with Talos, perhaps dragon head or something like that. This armor is for the rest of the Paladins, it's the basic uniform.


And the sword


http://www.swordsswords.com/ProductImages/s/DRAGON_TEMPLAR_BK1174-2.jpg if you could, but if you can't that's fine, change the snake heads to dragon heads, if not, and you can't do the snake, a semi-elaborate cross will do.



I also need voice actors, mostly male, but some female too. I need, for the males, either gruff, somewhat deep, weighted with authority, it's kinda hard to explain, AND smooth somewhat yound, like human Arthas and Siegfried (drom soul calibur). Also I'll need a dark and sinister voice, this one can be male or femal, and if I get mutliple I'll use them all, cause it'll be for the main bad guy, and multiple voice bad guys are cool. For females, I'll take what I can get



I also need the Templar's Chapel to be made and placed near Bruma, but not too close, in the Jerall mountains, if you can do the interior too that would be great, but if not okay.


Also some holy spells, like Holy might, Holy Strike, Holy symbol, Divine Judgment, etc. If you can make these Latin named that would be awesome.


If someone would like to make a website for this mod that would be great too, but I'm happy just using this thread.

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from what I understood from your email, you want the chapel (thought I start on that - those armors are going to need a model and I only do retex) to have a custom tex ;p that can be done ^^ I think the temple of the one might be fit for this, but if you want me to use antoher mesh just say so. Also, do you have any examples of what you want it to look like? I guess you want the dragon sign to be all over ;p and main colours red and gold?
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yeah sort of, the temple of the one is the one in IC right? The round one? I was kind of hoping for something like the actual chapel of Talos in Bruma, but yeah dragons (For the Dragonborn, you know) and the main color scheme of Red, Silver and Gold. These are dragony colors right?
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yeah sort of, the temple of the one is the one in IC right? The round one? I was kind of hoping for something like the actual chapel of Talos in Bruma, but yeah dragons (For the Dragonborn, you know) and the main color scheme of Red, Silver and Gold. These are dragony colors right?


so you mean the normal chapel that is in every city? - and yes that is the colour sceme ;p

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or a castle if you want, I need something that looks like an Order of Holy Warriors would make a head quarters out of, so a castle would probably work better, lol. Just pick something and retexture it, I'll defer to your, expertise.
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ok ill do that now - sick and tired of lightswitch script -.-"" do you know how to merge mods? If not, i'll have to work on your esp ;/

cuz i dont really know

and where do you want the castle? I thought jeral mountains

(ps. please make my work available as resource)

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