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Luchaire's cutscenes


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hello again community.


I was wondering , is it possible to use luchaires sex scenes in the toolset for you own purpose without having them as a builder to builder package ?

Idd really like them to use for a scene with another character , and im not to advanced at animating it all myself.


I would however , not release it into the modding community unless I get permission from him myself , until then I would like to use it as a personal thingy ... back to the point

= Is this possible ?

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I know that she uses the scenes from the game itself much like myself, Taurox, and Firinneach have done. I don't think any of us have "made" animations, but have learned to manipulate the animations already existing in the toolset. Also, camera angles, postions, fov as well as character position and orientation make the animations look much different than the vanilla ones, but that's about all you would have the change, plus combinations of the animations themselves.
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Unfortunately, no... you cannot edit or even open a custom cutscene which has been exported from the toolset. It just will not let you do it. So I'm afraid that I have bad news for you there.

Second, Luchaire is a "her" not a "him". :wink:


FOV= Field of View (just so you know) :wink:

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