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Bard-themed spells and powers


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This is just something that I've been thinking about for awhile now, off and on.


Here's the idea: A set of skills and powers that can be obtained from an NPC added to the Bard's College depending on your Illusion, Restoration, and Speechcraft skills.


Abilties would be divided into Spellsongs, War Chants, and Insults.


Spellsongs are just ordinary spells, tied to both the Illusion and Restoration trees. These have blatantly magical effects. Maybe have Musical sound effects and some notes attached to the spell effects (both held in hand and when the projectile flies through the air, and when it impacts)


Here's just some example ideas.



Perfect Pitch (Concentration, Target, Illusion) - Hold a high pitch that deals "sonic" damage to enemies. (Creatures without ears would be immune to sonic damage. Falmer would be weak to it.)



Tale of Defeat (Cast, Target, Illusion) - Sing a tale of your foe's defeat, slowly dealing damage to them over time.

Healing Hum (Cast, Self, Restoration) - Sing a song that gradually heals your wounds over a long period of time



Inspire Courage (Cast, Self/Friendly AoE, Illusion) - Sing a mighty tale that bolsters your resolve and that of your allies, granting them Courage (minus the Fortify Health effect) and a small bonus to weapon skills.

Inspire Competence (Cast, Self, Illusion) - Recall the tales of famous craftsmen, humming it while you work. Boosts your Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy, and Lockpicking. It also stunts your magicka regeneration and reduces your stealth for the duration.



Healing Song (Cast, Self/Friendly AoE, Restoration) - Same as Healing Hum, but more powerful and affects allies.

Victory Speech (Cast, Target AoE, Illusion) - Declare your victory with such passion that even your enemies believe it. They take sonic damage and have a chance to be inflicted with Fear.



Poetic Edda (Ritual, Persistent AoE, Illusion) - Sing the Poetic Edda, creating a zone where all enemies who enter are randomly Calmed, Furied, or Feared.

Arkay's Dirge (Cast, Target AoE, Restoration) - Sing a dirge for the dead, causing sunlight damage over time to all undead who hear it. Undead are also repeatedly staggered by this effect.


Now, Chants are toggle-type lesser powers that work for as long as you want them to. You can only use one chant, and they all have the same downsides - they drain all of your stamina, and you can't use Shouts. They gain bonuses based off of Speechcraft. They effect allies unless otherwise stated.


Chant of Strength - Increases your weapon skills. Amount depends on Speechcraft.

Chant of Travel - Makes travel seem so quick that it actually is. Boosts running speed by a significant amount. 100 Speechcraft makes it faster than sprinting.

Chant of Warding - An arcane chant that reduces the amount of damage you take from all magic.

Chant of Steadiness - Increases armor and shield skills.


Insults are instant lesser powers. They take a small amount of stamina, and so can't be used at the same time as a Chant. Insults are all targetted at enemies. If plausible, use insult clips based on the race of the user, even borrowing them from Morrowind and Oblivion if you have to. Insults get more effect with more speechcraft, as well as a greater chance at success. Enemies that would be immune to sonic damage are immune to insults.


Dirty Insult - Utter a biting remark about your opponent's lack of natural physique, increasing their movement speed, but lowering their weapon skills slightly and defensive skills severely.

Nosy Rumor - Drive an enemy into Fury with a rumor you have heard about one of their parents.

Bully - Bully an enemy into depression by striking at their emotional weak points. Their movement speed, attack speed, and weapon skills all decrease.

Fuz Ru Nah (Only after getting Fus Ro Dah does this become available) - Fake out an enemy by pretending to Shout, causing them to flinch and stagger. Enemies become immune to Fuz Ru Nah for 30 seconds after being "struck" with it, but then take additional Sonic damage when hit with a legitimate Fus Ro Dah.


Of course, thes are just random ideas I came up with.


Also, if it's not too much work, I'd like the addition of a new weapon to coincide with this - The "Songblade", a hidden artifact. It's a sword that deals sonic damage when it strikes an enemy, but it also has the passive effect of regeneration your stamina while you're wielding it. It gains additional damage when Speechcraft is maxed.


I know I asked a lot, which is why I don't really expect to see it, at least not how I presented it. You could take this idea in a completely different direction, and that'd be fine. I just kinda want a Bard-themed spells and power pack. I honestly don't know if it's possible to add new damage types with resistances and such.


Hopefully I presented some decent ideas. If you want to get in contact with me, I go by "Joshyx Alfort" on Steam. Throw me an instant message saying "Hi, I'm from the Skyrim Mod Forums" or something along those lines and we can talk :)

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Very well presented. I like the ideas, and I'll work on this as a prelude mod, with a few ideas of my own, and maybe a complete overhaul of the Bards College quests thrown in too. Shouldn't be too hard. I'll send you a PM when I release this. Edited by mlee3141
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