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Scripting help... Just like everyone else.


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Hello Nexus.


It seems like everyone here is trying to get scripting help. At least I'm not alone. This is my first attempt, and I would appreciate any advice or pointers I could get.


Basically, what I'm trying to do is write a script that allows you to change modifications for a gun on the fly. I have 4 meshes for the 4 different iterations of the gun (regular, with silencer, with LAM, and with LAM and silencer), and I'm trying to figure out a way to be able to switch between them in-game.


Also, another thing I would like is to actually add a flashlight effect to the LAM, just to make some of those epic F.E.A.R. moments while trolling the Metro.


If anyone can give me any advice at all, I'd really appreciate it.

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