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bg2408's Enchantment and Hit Shaders


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Since bg2408 said he wouldn't provide any support, I thought I'd try asking here.




I have that mod installed. The load order is determined by BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software), not me.


I did what bg2408 suggested, "use Bash's import graphics function."


I'm quite certain I did it correctly too (I'm not an idiot when it comes to modding, I know all about OMODs, BAIN, FCOM, and making mods myself).. yet, when I go in-game, I can't find ANY properly replaced shaders at all.


For example, I have a sword with +20 Fire Damage Enchantment. With this mod installed, I'd expect it to have a nice fire shader, but that's not the case. Instead, it just looks like it's wrapped in orange/red cellophane.


I don't have any other mods that I know edit shader or magic effects. The only other mod I can think of is Superior Magicka, and from what I can gather this mod should be compatible.


This is what my +20 Fire Damage on Strike sword looks like in-game, with this mod enabled:


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Yes, it's patched to the latest version.


Active Mod Files:


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Edit: I think bg2408 may of screwed up his magic effect settings in his mod somehow (for the Fire Damage enchant, at least). Going to adjust the settings and check it out in-game.


Edit 2: Haha! I was right! He screwed up the Magic Effects for Fire Damage in his mod :P

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2E ExnemRuneskulls.esp <-- Included in MMM 3.7, remove

2F FCOM_ExnemRuneskulls.esp [Version 0.9.9] <-- remove


96 PrimesHealthRegen.esp <-- These all need to be moved somewhere else

97 Feed Your Vampire.esp

98 FrostcragBetterFamiliars.esp


You should merge all mods that are mergeable (green), and import all importable mods (purple | italicized). Otherwise, you have many things being overwritten that do not need to be. Make sure you have the mods checked in the graphics section of the Bashed Patch that you want tagged there.

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Just to explain what was wrong with bg2408's mod:


He had bgEnchantFireDamage set as the Effect Shader for Fire Damage (should of been effectFireDamage)

and effectEnchantFireDamage set as the Enchant Effect for Fire Damage (should of been bgEnchantFireDamage)


About ExnemRuneskulls.esp, I'll have to look into that, thanks.


About the 3 mods that "need to be moved somewhere else" .. no, they don't, PrimesHealthRegen only adds stuff, doesn't change ANYTHING, and the other two mods I made myself and I -want- them to overwrite everything else.


Edit: I'm terribly confused about Exnem Runeskulls.



Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot G&GD.esp

Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp


.. Which of these am I supposed to use, exactly, with FCOM?


I should note that, aside from a metric TON of Runeskulls I found in the starting ship (Alternate Start.esp, "A New Life" option), I have NEVER found ANY runeskulls.

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Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp <-- You should only have this runeskulls plugin installed


Have you deactivated and merged the plugins I suggested. That should help with compatibility. Looking at your load list, the way it is, there is a good chance that the shader mod's changes are being overwritten. You need to make sure it is tagged in Import Graphics and that other plugins tagged in that section are not overriding its changes. You can figure that out easily with TES4Edit.



Edit: You need to make sure to use Bash's leveled lists option, or you are going to miss out on a lot more content, outside of runeskulls...

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They're not being overwritten, the mod was broken. I fixed it myself about an hour ago (and explained the changes I made in post #5), and the fire shader shows up properly now.


I'm making the Runeskulls changes now, thanks.


I'm kind of reluctant to merge patches where I don't need to, as rebuilding the Bashed Patch takes a couple minutes on my computer and is a bit of a bother when I want to test out new mods. If I was closer to the 255 mod limit I'd have to merge obviously, but I don't need to currently (and before you ask, yes, I know exactly how to use the Bashed Patch, why it's necessary, and all that.)


Edit: To clarify further, this appears to of been a typo bg2408 made in the English version of his mod. No idea if the same error exists in the German version or not (probably not, judging from his screenshots)


This is what it looks like after I corrected the MGEF in the esp and rebuilt my Bashed Patch:


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Merging will help with compatibility, and it is safe to merge anything loading before the bashed patch. Merging does not alter mods' content, and merged patches still obey load order. There's no magic with that function.
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