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Last night I was messing around in the toolset looking up animations helping someone out with finding a particular one. While I was doing that I ended up with a brief adult oriented cutscene in the prison in Orzammar for Gorim and Lady Aeducan. I was about to delete it this morning when I figured if there was enough interest I would release it for the dwarf fans out there. If there is interest in this, let me know. If there isn't by the end of this week I will go ahead with my plan this morning and delete it. It's not something we'll personally use here in our house, but figured I would let the dwarf fans decide it's fate.
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OMG are you serious?? There's actually a scene in the Orzammar prison? Wow I thought all I was getting was a kiss or soemthing from Gorim because he would just lean in and the screen would go black for half a second and I wouldn't really see anything. Where in the toolset is it located? If you released it as a functioning cutscene in the game I'd love you forever. Despite the fact that it doesn't work out in the end, I'm a huge fan of the Gorim/Lady Aeducan ship. :woot:
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OMG are you serious?? There's actually a scene in the Orzammar prison? Wow I thought all I was getting was a kiss or soemthing from Gorim because he would lean in and the screen would go black for half a second. Where in the toolset is it located? If you released it as a functioning cutscene in the game I'd love you forever. Despite the fact that it doesn't work out in the end, I'm a huge fan of the Gorim/Lady Aeducan ship. :woot:


There isn't one. This one replaced that lean in/black out one. It worked out well, if a little rough because we were just messing around to see what animations would work around the prison bars. Figured it might come in handy if someone ever asked about a similar dilemma. If there isn't much interest, but you want to try your hand at it later this week I'll try to get a builder to builder file for you to play with. That's if the toolset (&^*^%) works this time around.

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