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save game and load order?


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Hi there,


Recently, I used BOSS to sort out all my mods to remove an odd startup crash I get when I added Duke Patrick's Combat Archery. BOSS pretty much sorted out everything and the load order is probably very different from what I used in the past (in Wrye Bash's save game tab, all the mods in the save games ar yellow in color). Now I can't seem to be able to load my save games anymore, it jsut get stuck around 30% of the loading bar, stopped there for 5+mins before getting a CTD without any messages.


My question, would an altered load order cause old save games with an old load order (same mods) to not load up and cause Oblivion to CTD?



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Not usually. The problem is probably caused by a change in your Oblivion.ini settings. I would look through posts for other CTD's for a link that will tell you what to look for/edit.
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It can. Save games are FormID sensitive, and, with a new LO, each plugin has new FormIDs. That is why it is important for plugins masters to be in the correct order. Please, post your load order.


Post Your Load Order - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/troubleshooting/postlo

Regenerate Your Oblivion.ini - http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/troubleshooting/regenoblivionini



Edit: Do you use a UI mod?

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