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Copyrighted Scripts?

David Brasher

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Yesterday I downloaded what I think was a Russian mod. It was broken, so I had to open it up in the CS so I could get it fixed and allow my character to progress through it.


All of the scripts had a little note indicating that they were copyrighted, and providing a link to contact the owner.


Maybe the law is different in Russia.


It is my understanding that Bethesda owns Oblivion and that no modder is allowed to copyright or sell any mods, parts of mods, or derivative code pertaining to Oblivion. Am I correct?

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If it is a duplication of a script by Bethesda the author legally has no ground to stand on. If the author made a unique script and you copy it, then you are stealing his intellectual property.Bethesda,however can use it in E.S.V or a new DLC because all mods for Oblivion belong to them.EDIT -ecksile is right about someone being able to sell a mod made for Oblivion. That is Illegal. Charging money for access to a website is legal. Putting a statement in the readme saying "Do not upload this mod to another website without the authors permission" gives them a right to sue a person in a court of law,but a third party who found the mod on another website without the readme, has a legal loophole if they upload the mod to other sites.Fortunately most modders are not greedy and only ask for credit if you use thier intellectual property.
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They own the rights to redistribute and sell all mods made using their tools (The CS). AFAIK I dont think they can use or own the right to meshes or textures etc that they did not make just the esp that references to them unless the new meshes/textures were made by editing Bethesda's vanilla meshes/textures. They own the rights to esp esm files made with TheCS but not .Nif or .dds extensions nor nifskope/nifscripts or blender or anything made in these programs. I could be wrong though.
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What about mesh ideas that utilize bethsoft's meshes. For example, my sword mod does this. The sword's artistry is not in the game, it was made, in part, by me with parts of vanilla meshes. Would beth own the individual pieces that make up the sword, but not the concept behind it?
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They own the rights to redistribute and sell all mods made using their tools (The CS). AFAIK I dont think they can use or own the right to meshes or textures etc that they did not make just the esp that references to them unless the new meshes/textures were made by editing Bethesda's vanilla meshes/textures. They own the rights to esp esm files made with TheCS but not .Nif or .dds extensions nor nifskope/nifscripts or blender or anything made in these programs. I could be wrong though.

Scripts do not have to be made in the CS, right? If modders could not copy right any scripts at all, that would be like saying programmers cannot copyright scripts written in Java or C...



Edit: I think you are right. Bethesda has full control over all TESCS-made items, but there are a number of third-party tools for making plugins, meshes and textures.

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Everything that's inside of CS can't be owned by anyone else than Bethesda.

Things made totally from scratch (usually animations/textures/meshes) thus not needing any games you can put a real copyright on it.

Anything else is just out of courtesy as person XX has spend dozens of hours on something and it's ethically not fair to duplicate and re-upload under your own name.

Every site has their own set of values protecting modders till a certain extend. Any intellectual property can be used when you're legally allowed to. I'm quit sure every single thing here hasn't registered their idea somewhere so 'legally' you aren't protected at all (for concepts/ideas). Socially it's a totally different thing however. And of course every country has their own set of laws, so I can't speak for all.


I'm not aware of the exact descriptions at the mod you're referring to, I'd contact the author several times and upon failure (2-4weeks) I would fully credit a mod and upload the fix Unless the author specifically told so at a place not to do so. Still, none really 'owns' a script and basically it's not your intention to gain profit out of this (in any way.) but to fix a problem that's not getting addressed as the modder might have quit modding or else.


I change my opinion about these things monthly so feel free to opposite everything I say :biggrin:.

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If the script is fully made by them afcourse there can be copyrighted, isn't that already happening here. I only give one example. Montana scripts from the mod sexy montana companion. Are fully copyrighted and he does not give any permision to reuse his code. So if this person has the same. i would really not use anything or fix anything from his mod unless he gives permission first.
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In this context it is mainly a coutesy that people refrain from stealing ideas and assets from other peoples work. Other than Nexus standing behind the original author (something they are not totally consistent at doing) and removing mods made from "borrowed" work, there is not much that can be done. Its not likely that litigation would ensue.


I've gotten a reputation for being adamant about not allowing my work to be reused. Its true that in several cases I have asked to have mods removed that "borrowed" my work. Its also true that I have said no to some requests to use or modify my work. Its not true that I never allow it. Just recently I sanctioned its use in RSV2's "Friends & Lovers" and Goranga's "Simple Prostitution Mod".


If you have an interesting idea that involves using my work, please feel free to contact me. If you simply want to repackage my work with your name attached, I wouldn't bother.


The alternative to government involvement in people's lives and decisions, is that people take the responsibility for doing what they rationally think is correct. Excluding arbitrary self protection, it is difficult to justify claiming a right for yourself that you deny to others. This, not concern for your fellow man, is the reason that free men hold the rights of others to be equal to their own. It is a very "self-centered" thing to do.




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The alternative to government involvement in people's lives and decisions, is that people take the responsibility for doing what they rationally think is correct.


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Unfortunately, MANY people lack the ability to do this. :laugh:

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