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Copyrighted Scripts?

David Brasher

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The alternative to government involvement in people's lives and decisions, is that people take the responsibility for doing what they rationally think is correct.


Live free



Unfortunately, MANY people lack the ability to do this. http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif



I dont think that is true.


I believe that all western men are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Among these, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". While its true that I'm not going to get all warm and fuzzy about it, I do believe in each and every one of you. Given the history of accomplishment of western man, I'd be a fool not to.


Just when you think that all commoners are louts and cowards, you find your neck in a guillotine or yourself surrendering to a rabble to the tune of The World Turned Upside Down.



Live Free and Die Proud


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hmm, I think you might've misunderstood what I underlined there; I was referring to people's inablitity to be responsible for their own actions.


At any rate, I might have to take some of my mods down because of future concerns for the ideas of some.

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hmm, I think you might've misunderstood what I underlined there; I was referring to people's inablitity to be responsible for their own actions.


At any rate, I might have to take some of my mods down because of future concerns for the ideas of some.


No, I understood you, I just disagreed.





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hmm, I think you might've misunderstood what I underlined there; I was referring to people's inablitity to be responsible for their own actions.


At any rate, I might have to take some of my mods down because of future concerns for the ideas of some.


No, I understood you, I just disagreed.






Hmm, I see. I would debate this but I'd rather not hijack the thread anymore than what we have already with an off-topic.



David, were you able to get the script you wanted?

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