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Fallout 3 Girlfriends


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i was thinking this was funny but um there is alot of mods i think make no sense so what if you coudl have a girlfriend in fallout 3 you can make her whta you want her to look liek and stuf


yeah dude if only you could get one in the real world, eh?



Hahhahhaha got one dont think my gf woudl folow me throu a waastland tho

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Liek some of your said evryone has dif veiws of the wastland :) but we have whores on there and bittercup is kinda like a girlfrienddd but i mean one that folows you or stays at where ever you live and cookc like woman should ( JOKES JOKES lol) nah i mean to help you find stuf in the wastland and maby they could have difrent perks to teh guys and you can chose whta they look like and stuf
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  • 1 year later...

Maybe a girl/boyfriend ingame would be able to shop for you, or increase your charisma or barter when she's near you. Or you could sent her/him to do stuff, like you do with your team in Operation Anchorage.


That Would be cool, having an extra source of skills and you wouldnt have to do all the boring work by yourself.

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  • 5 months later...
The closest Thing that Ive seen so far that doesnt come to those Wierd Mods with the Prost in them is the Ramona Companion. Ive tried to find someone who could change the Dialague and add voice to it but finding someone who would actually take the time to do is, well you know the chances on that. Try this mod, if you dont like it you can remove it. Ramona is the only companion that Ive added in that doesnt require any changing, real modification, add ons or what ever you Drastically change to make mods work.
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