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The Case of Charles Dexter Ward


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I'm making a mod based on H.P. Lovercraft's novel The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.


Right now, what I need to recreate a particular scene is a well shaft, wide enough to drop a... NPC... in.


I'm pretty sure something like this exists in vanilla oblivion, but I can't find it.


It must be just a long round hole in the floor, ideally that looks like masonry.


I'd make it myself, if something doesn't exist, but I don't have as much time as I used to.

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The Fort-Caves have such a thing and caves have a short version. But it depends on what you're looking for, where you'll need it for and where you want to have it.
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I thought I'd get back into the swing of things with this mod. Lovecraft has taken care of the story element, as this will be as faithful as a send-up as I can make it.


So, it's just getting acclimated to all my tools again. That and this is something I've been wanting to do for a while.


What did you find to go with the helmet?





I'll look into that. Basically, the well shafts are where certain failed experiments are put to be forgotten.


It's more for staying faithful to the story, and preserving a particularly creepy moment, than anything else.


Do you happen to know what part of the name of the object is? Or a particular ruin that has it?

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Yes! That will go perfectly with the helmet!


As close to a black leather surgeon's coat as you can get certainly.


I'll definitely have to dig up my notes on the Repo mod once this one's finished.




Oh, and I found the cave shafts. Thank you!

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They haven't been around for a while, but I asked them myself, once, and they gave permission. Since you can't contact them, I'd cautiosuly go ahead, and note in the readme that you have no explicit permission and are willing to withdraw the spectacles at any time should the modder ask.


Basically, go ahead, but cover your arse.

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