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Sand Dunes World Space


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Images of Sand Dunes: http://www.biocrawler.com/w/images/c/ca/Imperial_sand_dunes.jpg


The nearly Perfect Image of What I need: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e4/Sand_dunes_death_valley_4.JPG


Having worked on Project Brazil for about 8 month now, I've come to the realisation that I still have no idea how to work the terrain controls.


There was a mod on the Nexus a while ago that had a similar layout, but it has since disappeared off the advanced search. I'm not asking fer a serious dedication of time, nor a complete mod. All I ask is for someone to generate using terra-gen a world space roughly the size of The Pit addon Space, or possibly Anchorage depending upon your level of processing power.


80% of the worldspace need not be navigable, save for a thin highway snaking through the desert to the sea, a canyon in the far north where an enclave base will be located (I can make that) and at the very far WEST side of the map in the SOUTH corner, a semi flat-land where I can build a small city worldspace. Also, along the entire WEST side, I would like a gradual slope below water level, with a coast line resembling the Los Angles/Santa Monica/Venice Beach/Marina Del Rey coastal curve.


I do not need buildings, NPCs, or new models/textures. I have a stack of original sand dune textures my girl and I have been taking, and I just need a tutorial to follow on how to apply them.



The involvement I ask is only a few hours, or possibly a couple days of crafting. If you have the time and desire, it would seriously save my time!


[ Fallout 3 - Project Brazil : http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9547 ]

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Have you checked out GTS? I'm pretty sure it has a desert worldspace you could use.




There are some worldspaces on GTS that I would love, love, love to borrow and expand upon - the only problem is that I CAN build the cityspace, mountains and details very well, but I have no idea how to make the dunes or expand the boundaries.


I love the Fallout mod Community, I just have no idea how to ask for things I need done, haha. Collaboration with the online community is what I want Brazil to be about.


Right now, I'm coated in fibregalss and just got off a film set (it's 5:30am) - I need to take a looong vacation, haha. I finished a zone for Brazil yesterday that I'd been dying to create and hit a new creative spark! Now I just need to port the Vault 88 resources, build the sand dunes/Los Angles highway worldspace (which is what this request is for) and build the underground worldspace. After that, voicing can commence, along with dialogue and NPC scripts and quests.


It's just a matter of actually formulating an online team. I have enough dedicated resources in Brazil now to lend credence to my request topics - I'm just too polite to drop by IMing people to ask for this stuff.

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The nexus page indicated it is free to use with credit given. I also thought it already had dunes but I could be wrong about that. The landscape editor in geck is pretty easy to use for making dips and rises so if that is good enough for dunes it is a pretty small task.
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The nexus page indicated it is free to use with credit given. I also thought it already had dunes but I could be wrong about that. The landscape editor in geck is pretty easy to use for making dips and rises so if that is good enough for dunes it is a pretty small task.


Probably. I'll read a few tutorials this weekend and figure it out. As long as I don't get called for emergency work, I should be able to spend time on you tube learning what must be learned.


I'll check into those free-use world spaces though, and contact the authors.

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