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Military Planning - Project Suggestion


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Hello everyone,


I'm new here. I come from the console world where I've managed to enjoy a few console FO3 mods and wanted more control over my new love.


Personally, I love the game for it's ability to explore and live in any way chosen. I'm also a big fan of FPS games like MW2 or back in the Battlefield 2 days, the Project Reality mod. One of the most appealing things is the ability to simulate combat situations virtually. I've done a lot of thinking about what I'd like to bring to the table here as well as how I'd like to accomplish my best experience in FO3.


So here's the topic, post introduction:


Main Project Suggestion

Create the ability to direct your followers around the wasteland and give them orders. An example of use would be as follows;

-- You have recently assembled your squad of special wasteland operators. You're out exploring the wastes and while reconning the forward area from an elevated position you see a small enclave base and you decide to take down this High Value Target by means of force. One of your followers is a sniper, two are direct assault, and another is support/medic. You're the squad leader. You direct your sniper to another elevated cliffside overlooking the enemy field base, and tell him to stand by. You send your two direct assault squaddies over to a nearby shack near the east and tell them to hold. You and the support/medic head to the south east and hold. You then call for your sniper to open fire, initially distracting the base and sending them into a frenzy towards his direction, but he's well concealed and he's a pretty good shot. If he doesn't take one or two out on his own before all hell breaks loose, he'll at least get them looking the other way. Very shortly after his first shots ring out, you command the rest of your squad to open fire on targets inside the base and you've achieved a very well placed, hasty ambush. You have successfully neutralized the threats with the element of suprise and then command your team to regroup. You loot, secure, and move out.


Would something like this be possible?


Another, secondary idea...

Simulated Nightvision and IR laser sights

Not just talking a green tint with a slight glow, but nightvision that reacts to light sources to a certain degree.

The ability to equip your team with IR lasers, would give you the ability in the above situation to see which targets your team are gunning for. You can target the one stray they're not shooting at yet, and you know this based on the fact that you see their IR targeting lasers while you're using your night vision. These green lasers would only be visible if using the night vision.


Even if the first suggestion might not be possible, the second idea would just be down right cool, and a bit fun to get into those fire fights and see all the lasers from your followers moving around.

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