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Another Military Suggestion


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Anyone ever think about adding a vertibird replacement and giving it the ability to pick you up and travel across the wastes?


What if the brotherhood recovered and restored a blackhawk helicopter, and you had the option on your pipboy to "extract to this location". You pop a few smoke grenades outside near a clear area and after a few minutes a blackhawk comes in and you climb in, it takes off and flys you to the location you specified. You could fast rope down or have it land and drop you off.


This would make some really spectacular experiences. Imagine flying over the wasteland and being able to observe some of your favorite places as you fly by, looking out the side door of the blackhawk. Especially if you have Fellout installed, some parts would just be beautiful. What if you could shoot at a mole rat or two while you were passing? The smoke/dust effects created by the waste when the heli was landing would be really cool.

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I don't think it would have to be a prerequisite. The sheer beauty of the wasteland is incentive enough, I think. However, I would want it to work even though some mods may disable fast travel. IE: FWE.


A good prerequisite might be Power Armor Training, so that you can't use it until you get access to the Brotherhood. (Unless of course, you're cheating!)

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