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Mod Request Thread


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Can someone make a mod that is like the Blade of WTFPWNING? The only exception is that you can take it out of your inventory, and it uses the Mehrunes Razor mesh (it's included in the game, just type coc TestingHall in the console, and look around in the Weapons Warehouse for proof, and it's called Ceremonial Dagger (or not)). The reason I didn't contact the author is because I saw he was last active September 24!
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I realy would like a mod that made it posable to hold and attack with wepons difrently. You could have another menue wich you could select from a list of poses and swings how you will hold say a sword and how you would swing it. For exampal: you could chose wether to hold two handed swords strate up like nomal or have it held down wards with the sword tilted off like so:


Note: I'm surching up the pics up as I go.




or like this


or like this


or maby like this


Or mabey like- oh well you get the my point.

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You can't change animations...somebody should post a sticky for that, honestly.





If one already exists, please tell me. :)


A search for leveled items pulled up this one (among several)


or this one


or even this one




Searches are handy things....


Also, if unsure about plugin/mod compatibility, use "Mod Manager" to install the archive files - makes it very easy to completely remove a naughty mod...



My searches never work out. So I gave up on them. Thanks though. :)


Could somebody give me a link to the Lore Creatures Expansion mod? That particular page doesn't load right for me.



One more thing. There is some mod, that seriously messes with magic...it's called "Mighty Magick" or something of the sort. I can't find it. Help?

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You can't change animations...somebody should post a sticky for that, honestly.



Sorry. It would be realy cool if you could though...


Well, maybe you can't change animations... but im sure there's gotta be a way to remove and add new ones!

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You can't change animations...somebody should post a sticky for that, honestly.



Sorry. It would be realy cool if you could though...


Well, maybe you can't change animations... but im sure there's gotta be a way to remove and add new ones!


Hay your right! Sadly I can't mod so I can't do it my self. :( But if someone discovers how to do it I'd like to give them some ideas on animations! :)

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I suppose this is the place to ask about some modifications that I 've had in my mind for a while but I can't find anything about.


1. I've tried to to the following but my limited mod-skills were not enough. You know how there's a DETECT LIFE spell that can detect creatures/enemies/npcs etc ? I was wondering if anyone could create a DETECT CONTAINER spell that could detect all possible containers in a certain radius. So no more missed chests or boxes (usually obscurely hidden) for the average dungeon-crawling munchkin.


2. Another idea that I had but don't know if it's ease or even possible is a city coloured map. I've been using a Cyrodii colour map with different colours for different things (ie caves, mines, forts, settlements etc) and I've found it extremely useful. If anyone could modify the city maps so that the varrous shops had different colours (always talking about the doors on the minimap) then that would be great. Even after 200 hours in the game I spend a lot of time looking for certain shops in the imperial city, it would be amazingly convenient to have a yellow door for taverns/inns, a red for anything magical, a blue for armor, red for weapons, green for general goods and so on!!


I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears. Please reply here if you already know of an already existing mod with similar functions.

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I would like to see a UI mod for mages. I want to delete and/or rename spells and a better spellbook with meaningful classifications. I didn't find something like that yet

You can delete spells using this mod. Or download the version with more hotkeys (28) here. Be sure not to forget to download OBSE. ;)

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Hey, I've been working on a Roman-related project for a little while now by myself. I've made and skinned 28 building models, several shields and swords, and a number of props... unfortunately, I am absolutely horrible at making clothing. So on to my request...



What I'd like to see is a roman style toga. I'm not asking this for my exclusive use, if someonee makes it, then release it for everyone to enjoy. However, in my own usage I may make several skins for it.


I found a picture of the style I am looking for. Hint: there is a tunic under the toga (The clothing visable on the right shoulder). The colored strip that hangs on the left shoulder is an important part of the roman style (the color was eventually used to display class/position).


Example Picture

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