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Mod Request Thread


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I would really like it if someone could create a Blind Mod. I want to roleplay a completely blid character. It would be nice if you could add the danger sense mod to it. Maybe change up the danger sense a bit so that when you are using it you can see a faint wireframe outline to walls and basic objects. Kind of a Daredevil kinda feel. Completely blind but with an extra supersense to see basic things around you. If you can make this mod please email me at [email protected] i would really appreciate this.
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I would really like it if someone could create a Blind Mod. I want to roleplay a completely blid character. It would be nice if you could add the danger sense mod to it. Maybe change up the danger sense a bit so that when you are using it you can see a faint wireframe outline to walls and basic objects. Kind of a Daredevil kinda feel. Completely blind but with an extra supersense to see basic things around you. If you can make this mod please email me at [email protected] i would really appreciate this.


Too bad there isn't something like the blind spell from Morrowind... I think it could be done in some way. I just don't know how... Being able to see basic things while being blind won't be possible I think. Unless you only want to see NPC's... (Detect Life)

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I have a request! :) not so simple as I cant do modcreation. I never was artistic but am very appreciative of creative effprts of others.


Can anyone make a "YUMI"? A plain uneven japanese long bow. (best bow in the world IMO)


doesnt have to be too powerful, I would prefer if it wasnt powerful. coz the more i use my marksmanship skill the faster it levels right? So if it isnt too strong id have to keep using the thing and keep levelling my skill :)


Anyway just a thought Thanks.

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any saint seiya fan here?


I was thinking that it is time to introduce some very goolooking armors from the saint seiya series, along with their respective spells and abilities, (like waterbreathing for pisces gold armor by example).


I don´t known how hard wolud be this but, would be great to have all the 12 gold armors from saint seiya in Oblivion.


if you want any files, concept or esketches just PM me.
























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Tittle: Fast travel portals.


why ? We need to eliminate the magic map fast travel.


here is one idea.


Every town has a mages guild.

so why not create some sort of Magic portal to summon player all around cyradyl.

like the fast travvel. but only to these special Portals.

the portals shold be just like the ones in arcane.


when a player activate such portal player may sellect from list desired destination. (or map)

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Tittle: Fast travel portals.


why ? We need to eliminate the magic map fast travel.


here is one idea.


Every town has a mages guild.

so why not create some sort of Magic portal to summon player all around cyradyl.

like the fast travvel. but only to these special Portals.

the portals shold be just like the ones in arcane.


when a player activate such portal player may sellect from list desired destination. (or map)

That reminds me of morrowind. It had 'guild guides' who could send to you other mages guilds for a small fee. Pretty simple to make too! I might give it a go tomorrow...


Edit: I should've seen this one coming... Good thing I checked:

Mages Guild Teleport Mod

Mages Guild Teleport Mod

Mages Guild Teleport Mod

Mages Guild Teleport Mod


Mine was going to be a little better but not enough to make it worth the time. It was going to be one portal per mages guild, of which you could change the teleport location by pressing a button on the wall. These mods all teleport you to a room filled with mages guild teleporters. Oh well...

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