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Mod Request Thread


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Guest Tessera

I have a small request.. I don't know if it's able to be done, though.


I use a fun mod called "Actors In Charge." The mod allows your character to perform various animations in third-person view. It's great for making videos and just a lot of fun all around.


My request is: is it possible to modify this mod, so that the individual animations can be hot-keyed..? It would be great if I could quickly change from one animation to another on-the-fly, without having to open up the full mod menu each time.


Anyway, I was just curious as to whether or not such a thing is possible. 8)

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I have a small request.. I don't know if it's able to be done, though.


I use a fun mod called "Actors In Charge." The mod allows your character to perform various animations in third-person view. It's great for making videos and just a lot of fun all around.


My request is: is it possible to modify this mod, so that the individual animations can be hot-keyed..? It would be great if I could quickly change from one animation to another on-the-fly, without having to open up the full mod menu each time.


Anyway, I was just curious as to whether or not such a thing is possible. 8)

Uhm. Yeah, but it would require OBSE. Or inventory tokens/scrolls. Yeah, it is.

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Mine shouldn't be too much for anyone:


could someone make an outfit like Smoke's from WTF comics? here's a link:


he also wears a grey robe like in this pic:



and any sort of Karate-style clothing would be cool to.


and some FullMetal Alchemist gear (Al's armor and Ed's clothes)

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I have no ide how to make this (maybe it isn't even possible...) so I just post it here :P


It would be pretty cool to have a spell or something that makes you able to drop mapmarkers -In game-. So if you find something cool out in the wildernes (Like a lake, beautiful landscape or something), you could just drop a map marker, name it... and then be able to fast travel to that map-marker!

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Hi, kinda new at all of this so bear with me.

I'm looking for a mod that'll enable me to make a weekly income, like getting involved with some businesses or something. I saw one a few weeks ago that turned the thieves guild into sort of a membership pyrimd scheme where you pay 20 gold a week at beginning level and once you get to grey fox level you can get membership dues or something like that. I've been searching all week with little success and at my wits end.

If i'm posting in the wrong forum, forgive me and if anyone has any mods, links, advice, or whatnaught please feel free to tell me. Thanx



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Ive seen many mods involving neat scripts and what not to create and modify items in the world of oblivion. I also enjoyed making stairways and crude structures with the paintbrush glitch. Today while playing I came across 2 stone bricks while rummaging around in Renalt Gemanes house in chorrol. At first i thought they were static items but when i got closer i saw that they could be picked up. When i did so and dropped them, they stood still in space just like the paintbrushes.


The thought occured to me that with enough time, you could construct rudementary structures/walls and who knows what IN-GAME! I promptly went outside and added a few of the bricks to my inventory using the console (they werent dupeable for some reason). I walled off a guard with the bricks and lobbed an arrow into him and watched him freak out behind my wall. When i did eventually leave the town (scouting for a spot to start building my own tower :^) i found that the lack of fphysics on the bricks had disappeared. When i returned to chorrol, my wall fell onto the floor in a messy pile.


My thought is that perhaps a mod could be created to allow a spell or something to "freeze" an item once it has been placed where you want it. Maybe even a character to sell bricks for 1 gold or something. Maybe a spell to turn off the items physicis entirely. The games cleanup routine doesnt work out in the open so anything built outside a city is likely to remain indefinately (in my experiance anyway).


Anybody have any ideas if this would even be possable? If theres a checkbox somewhere in an NIF editor or something that I could uncheck to make the bricks behave like the paintbrushes I havent found it yet. I dont do much modding tho :blush:


Here are a couple of save files involving structures made from objects unaffected by the havok physics engine. The first is a massive staircase made from paintbrushes which allows acess to the top of the white gold tower. The second is a small brick tower with a simple spiral staircase inside. Unfortunately the physics seems to be reenabled on the bricks when the game is loaded (which is why I needed a scripters help :^). Its still pretty as it collapses tho!


White Gold Tower Tour

Brick Tower

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Well..I had a thought that might come in handy. I was thinking about Goblins and the like, and I thought it would be cool if there was an island out somewhere off of Blackwood that had a Goblin Fortress on it, with shops, inns, and maybe even an arena.


Why would a goblin allow a human to stay in one of their primitive stink-hole towns, you ask? Simple...before you would be allowed in, you would have to complete a series of complicated quests dealing with a rival Goblin clan. If you force entry before you complete these quests, the Goblin guards will attack you (Along with Goblin 'civilians' I suppose.)


The shops would have Goblin armor models and maybe a few new weapons models...I'm thinking that the town should be open...no gates or the like, using the open cities mod. The town should be surrounded by wooden stakes, like the ones outside of Kvatch...only...make them bigger to form more of a 'log wall' like in most primitave fortresses...think like...that one in Braveheart that Wallace attacked after they killed his wife. Kinda like that one.


Even a new faction could be added, and you could work your way up to 'Warlord' and have a multi-goblin 'Warband' summon. That would be....most epic.

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(First off, that Goblin thing sounds great, as does the "Actors in Charge" hotkeys. Any modders so inclined to do so, would be most appreciated.)


Alright, I am completely useless with photoshop, and texturing of any sort. So, I decided to try my hand at simply requesting, and praying that a talented modder might pick up on my idea and work with it.


It's quite a simple one, and pertains to the new Knights of the Nine mod.


Without any real spoilers, everyone should be aware that at some point in the mod, you receive a cuirass.

I saw this cuirass on a friend's Xbox, and was most impressed with it's look. Except one thing..


It's suffering from severe "Imperial Dragon"-syndrome. That is to say, there is no female version of the armor.


Now, while that is understandable with the heavy full-plate armor of the Imperial Legion, it doesn't make sense so much for this thin chain armor. (Yes, it is Light armor.) not to be form-fitting in the least. Not even to the extent of the Kvatch Cuirass.


So, my request is this: When the PC version of this mod is out, and available to be modded, would any kind soul be willing to alter the Cuirass ever so slightly, to make it just a bit more apparant that a female character is wearing it? Not to create large areas of exposed flesh, but more or less just make it like the Kvatch Cuirass in the sense that you can TELL a female is wearing it.


Thanks much in advance.


(Also, if someone creates a mod to Hotkey Actors in Charge, if anyone would feel so inclined as to send me a PM, I would appreciate it.)

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I have a request, tell me if I'm crazy, but would it be possible to make a mod where when you are in first person perspective, you can look down and see your characters torso, legs, etc. like you can to in games like [/i]Halo 2 or G.R.A.W. and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic? I think that would be an awesome touch to the game.
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I have a request, tell me if I'm crazy, but would it be possible to make a mod where when you are in first person perspective, you can look down and see your characters torso, legs, etc. like you can to in games like [/i]Halo 2 or G.R.A.W. and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic? I think that would be an awesome touch to the game.


As far as I know... The game makes all body parts you have invisible when your in firstperson mod (Not the hands/weapons etc). Thats why you can't see your shadow when you are sitting on a horse in first person mod. This shouldnt be imposible to make however... allthough I don't know how to do it. I also think you will get a FPS loss by doing this... else it would have been in the real game I think.

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