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Mod Request Thread


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I'm fairly new to this mod stuff, but what about a dragon mod? A mod where you can fly your own dragon?

Or even turn into a dragon until you cast the spell again?


Also, a Robin Hood outfit for Oblivion would be great. :)

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PS. There Is An Easier One Here .


i clicked on this link^^^ just outa curiousety, and im new to this moding stuff( like airdrake^), but from what i have read, this mod sounds amaizing!

So someone can actualy create a whole new clan ie-Vampire Clan Raelu and make storylines, clan rules quests DIALOGUE?! holy moly??! so the fact i have only completed 6 quests in the origional game, and still have a huge amount to do! i get to download new content for free??? freakin mental i tells ya!


Can someone tell me how good these mods are? like will there be voice acting with the dialogue? or just text like morrowind? cause if its the same standard or a little worse than the proper game then that is, beyond belief!??

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I was wondering if someone could make a male version of the Black Templar Armor (http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=7613) and the Holy Protector Armor (http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=7653). you could maybe use a retextured and resized version of the basic steel armor set. I was looking at the armor and with that it would look like the templar armor from the new game Hellgate: london (http://www.hellgatelondon.com/classes/templar/#fancy_panel) which would be sick. IF someone could do this it would be greatly appreciated.
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I was also wondering if someone could make The Juggernaut's armor. The Juggernaut from x-men was thinking something like that with a huge bonus to speed strength and hand-to-hand but damages other attributes. I always thought that it would be sick to look like the Juggernaut in this game (big too not just same size as normal but massive so you actually look strong as ****)
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Hi, I've noticed several people have wanted a good set of Roman Armor. I myself am one of them. If armor like this were to be made it would make alot of people happy and it may not be THAT much work because the blades cuirass looks similar to it. You can see my vision here:






Someone plz rise to the challenge and create this armor to appease the masses and make many people's day!



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I know im not the only one here who would gladly lick Drizzt Do'Urden's toes with hopes that some of the awesome would rub off onto me. So here's this: maybe make his swords and a summonable (and very large) black panther. Also, make his armor. That would make me giddy as a schoolgirl...






That should be enough reference for someone to get inspiration. God, i hope this is seen...^____^


EDIT: Turns out that Adonnay's new mod made the two scimitars in the game. Now all we need is that awesome armor!

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:D yup a dritzz one will be good:)


i suggest people to put the hunter mod for living of hunt and eating mod for eat or die....with vampire or the werewolf mod its so fun^^


actually i had a dream of a request, its to have a jousting spear, like in the "knight" movie, a simple one to play my dongeon and dragon chara...


last suggestion LOOK IT CAN BE A NEW WAY TO PLAY


install the multy oblivion

2: install the toaster says share mod, that allows you to recruits npcs and reequip them

3: you and you friend, make a customize army.....


and goes imagination!


like make a pirate squad with the riding ship mod, and attack on a castle, or just a big war like in braveheart!!!! :D

and please if someone can make me a joust spear, it'll be awesome, thanks.


like this one


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Hey.........Im new so bare with me.......... :D


I want a mod where it has a sigil stone in one hand and you can cast spells out of it...........

I think if you take the targeted spell animation and make the sigil a shield it could work....???


Also I think it would be cool to have a suit of clothing or armor like Alucard off of Hellsing


Here are some other ideas.......



Lute(Like the one for morrowind, you pick it up and equip it to play music)

A good Dremora companion, the ones so far suck.....LOL

Playable drums

Mounted combat

New animals to ride, with new models, stuff like Kodos from WoW, or rapters.....


I much preferred the sword and sorcery morrowind to the more medieval Oblivion.



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