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What about some of the weapons and armour from Fable: The Lost Chapters? Like the platinum plate armour and the sword Avo's Tear. Or perhaps the Sword of Aeons and Dark plate. A talented modder could make these for Oblivion, along with containing dungeons. They would look awesome.
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(So after being redirected here for mod ideas, I decided to post this so I can ask you guys if you would like to see these kinds of mods)


Hi ppls, I am a new Modder (Just started to learn about a month or so ago), and I am not advanced yet, but I have a few mod ideas that I like to run by you guys and see if you like them, if so then I will put them up.


"JadedRyu's Non Essential and Non respawnable NPC's- I noticed alot of mods, including Pod's Non essential and non respawnable mod, still had NPC that were essential (Sorry about the name, didn't know what else to call it, but I probably change it, by the way, does Carpmalenko "Pod: come to these forums), so I went through every last NPC (Including Jauffre and Martin, made Uriel's, Captain Renault, Gleroy and Baurus's HP lower) and Bandit and Guard and made them Non essential and non respawnable, and to check I did, I slaughtered nearly every person in every city Well, those who were out at the time anyway and the ones in the Dark Brotherhood, Fighter, Arena and Mage's guild), and all of them were dead so I believe I made all of them non essential. All but one, I seem to be having problems with Luchien Lachen (The Listner of the DB), both him and "Luchien Lachen Hunted", I made both of them non essential and non quest itme but yet they still only get knocked out (Not that it matters, because I used the Remote Detect Mod and found out LL isn't exactly in the world when he leaves).


Spells- I made tons of spells, Detect life where you can see for miles, 999 points of Charm effect, over 10000 damage and area of destruction spells, longer Summons, so those kind of spells, I done more too, bascially I make them way stronger or longer (Bascially cheat items)


Books- This is one I wanted to ask about, see I just figured out how to transfer my stories into Oblivion books, so I put my story, The Year 12 Files (Which has lots of episodes), and add them to the First Edition and thought, would anyone else like to read them? They aren't perfect but they aren't horrible either, so how would people feel if I did this?


In one mod I made, I even placed nearly every creature (Execpt the last boss) in one part of Imperial City. I added clothes and weapons to my favourite NPC's, and then there the existing mods I already uploaded.


Ring of Attributes and Skills- Bascially what this ring does is add a ring to the red Jewellary place, it's makes the skills and attributes go up 200 points.


Uber Flame Atronach- I like these creatures, so I added a Uber FA into the city of Anvil, this FA is very big and is strong and very fast, but for some reason, it doesn't attack anyone unless you attack it.


Super Flame Atronach- Same deal execpt it adds them to Bravil, and adds several of them there along with Flame Atronachs and summon Flame Atronach (Althought I don't think I will upload these two)


Scale- Bascially all it does, it scale Horses and some creatures and summonable creatures, it was just a play around to see what I could do but if anyone wants it, I will upload it.



So what do you guys think? Should I upload these mods up? And if I do, should I combine them all into one?

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I have one, how hard would it to like when you finish the story line there is no emporer, but at the end where all the gates close it said something. how about make it so there is a note that the chanoler ocove fines in the temple and it says something about you can becaume emporer they make a amulit for you the robe. you get blades to follow you. but the thing that messis it up is that there is no room for the emporer unless you make one and have the latter going to the top of it. that would be cool. sience you have the dragon aromor they remame it emporers dragon aramur. sorry if it not possible. :unsure:


I had a house one but it was to complicated they would not do it. :(


I wanted to make on that you can becoume count of a new town called Green Mark there simble is a forests that surond them. the citty is a mix it has the anvill castle the nice leiwin and big chedinhal houses. the selling things are chorral houses it has a smith shop seller that sells good stuff a cloth sellerthat sells good cloth and jewlery. The inn is a skingrad one. there is a large large leiwind house for sale for by owner he will move out and then you can buy all the stuff you need to make it better. it has a secert training room. do you think one of them can be done? :unsure: Please please say yes and then say you will do it! ;D I know I suck at spelling so don't trie :ph34r:

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Hey, i was working on my mod the other day, (i'm opening up the arbouretum to the outside world, added two ponds, TONS of custom meshes, some animated, such as a hammock in the barracks that sways in the wind, and a sliding library ladder), but anyways, i was looking at the stable i made outside and thought to myself, "self wouldn't it be kool if you could make that pretty generic farmhand/smith be able to run a transportation service that involved a stagecoach that u could actually ride in??" i have tried other transportation mods and all they do is warp u to the location. What if you had the choice to telport, or turn off the teleport and just ride in the coach or with the driver upfront. I have been messing around with nifskope to see if i could get some wheel animations, but i am not very adept at hardcoding script yet (i can do a little via cs, ut nothing special, such as the ai that would be required for the driver to actually drive)


anyways hope someone can come forward and help, I just need a few pointers from more adept modders, I can do the grunt work myself, such as modeling , texturing, normal map and importing into the game. I also have some knowledge of ai paths and packages if that is relevant. Also i can do basic animation in nifscope, so there wouldn't be any real work involved just kinda preventing me from doing something stupid lol

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Could someone make a grim reaper armor? Just have it a black robe, with gloves and shoes, but make it have the same armor value as an ebony armor, and make one black hood, but add a skull in it, so when you put it on, you appear as a skeleton in a robe. If it woulnd't be too difficult it would be extremely cool to have the robe have skeleton hands, but that's not really necessary. Anyone who is ready to make this for me is the greatest.


A blue glow inside the eye sockets of the skull would be an added bonus too, but if it's too hard to make, it isn't necessary...

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