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Mod Request Thread


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The following are some ideas for mods that I have had since starting to play Oblivion that hopefully might interest some of you modders.


1: Detect death (i.e., dead bodies) spell. For when bodies get lost in the long grass and you are trying to find them to loot them.


2: Try before you buy. If you buy items in a shop and then sell them back before you leave the premises, then you get back exactly the same amount of gold that you paid for them. This gives you the opportunity to try items before deciding whether or not to keep them. Once you leave the shop with the items, then the usual economic rules of selling them back again (i.e., at a loss) would apply.


3: Horse "gears". In real life horses have four "gears", which are actually called "gaits", namely: walking, trotting, cantering, and galloping. In Oblivion, however, we are stuck with either the extremely slow and tedious walking gait or the sometimes dangerous (to the horse, at least) unrestrained gallop. I know that it is possible to mod different values for the walking and galloping speeds of Oblivion horses, but, as far as I know, nobody has tried to simulate in a mod the true movement characteristics of horses and give them the missing two intermediate gaits. I imagine that this is partly because not many modders may be familiar with real horses, and may not know about these other possible gaits, and partly because of the problem of controls - i.e., how to change gear/gait while riding. My proposed solution to this latter problem would be simply to use the left mouse button to change up and the right button to change down. When the player stops pressing the forward key, of course, the "brake" would be immediately applied and the "gears" would be reset to neutral. I tried to contact the author of the Horse Speed Equals Player Speed mod to see if he would like to try implementing this idea, but have received no reply from him. So I now open it up to anyone else who would like to try.


4: Rented houses. It strikes me that many things in Oblivion come along long after you cease to have need of them - e.g., I only got my first, once longed for, leather gauntlets and leather helmet long after I ceased to wear leather armor. The player houses are another case in point. By the time that you can afford them, you can have done most of the stuff that actually requires you to be in their areas, and so acquiring the houses becomes as much about acquiring status symbols as anything else. So how about the option of renting them from an earlier stage rather than buying them outright. You might also, however, have to introduce the debt collectors from Morrowind at the same time, of course.


5: Running with shield raised. It strikes me that it is very unrealistic to have to march slowly at walking speed towards an archer firing arrows at you when you have your shield raised for protection. I don't suppose that it would be possible in real life to run with raised shield at full pelt (not without the possibility of stumbling over something, anyway), but perhaps half or three quarters speed might be reasonable compromises.


6: Tracer arrows. I prefer to be a long range archer with my character, and if I am not lucky enough to hit with my first arrow (I usually go for head shots, so most often the missing arrow goes over the head), I try to judge how to improve the aim of the next arrow by observing where the first one hits. The further away the target, the harder it is to see where the missing arrow hits, and so sometimes I wish that there was an archery equivalent of tracer bullets, although I am not at all certain how this could be implemented.


7: Talking of Guild Wars (as you were above), can anyone mod a beautiful Korean healer monk called Alesia as a companion? Both the appearance and the healer class function would be a real challenge to mod I think, although very interesting to play Oblivion with. (I like game crossovers, provided that they don't jar too much.)




Make the macuahuitl (aztec sword)



look at the warriors' weapons


I've asked this so much times, pleeease



Thanks for the enlightening link. Now I know where the design of the Charr slaying swords in Guild Wars comes from. Can't say that I share your taste in weapons aesthetics, however. These are stone age "swords" constructed of wood with sharpened flint (or other mineral) inserts to provide the cutting edges. What sort of damage do you think they could inflict? Something less than a rusty iron shortsword, I would bet.


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please edit rather than double posting. Thanks. ^^


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Make the macuahuitl (aztec sword)



look at the warriors' weapons


I've asked this so much times, pleeease



Thanks for the enlightening link. Now I know where the design of the Charr slaying swords in Guild Wars comes from. Can't say that I share your taste in weapons aesthetics, however. These are stone age "swords" constructed of wood with sharpened flint (or other mineral) inserts to provide the cutting edges. What sort of damage do you think they could inflict? Something less than a rusty iron shortsword, I would bet.

Err, they were made with obsidian edges. It's proven that the obsidian used was sharper than steel, so it'd be a lot of damage inflicted.

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<Nested quotes removed>

Err, they were made with obsidian edges. It's proven that the obsidian used was sharper than steel, so it'd be a lot of damage inflicted.

Sharper than what sort of steel, smithed in what manner?

Wouldn't obsidian tend to shatter when hitting metal?


That said, Raw Ebony might be used instead of Obsidian, which would certainly result in a tougher weapon.

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my Mod ideas include:

Riding combat: not only able to perform normal attacks from my horse/warg, but to lace my opponent too!!

Werewolf race: Big, Strong, Endurable, not very pretty or smart. Can howl for reinforcements.

Facial hair: If you don't use a shaving kit everyday, your male human/orc gets stubble. an entire week and he has a Beard.

Children: Might add some life to the land. don't forget the playgrounds!!!

Muscles: As i increase my strength and endurance, i want to see large biceps and chiseled abs!!!

Cave men: no joke. some peaceful, diplomatic tribes along with some rather violent ones.

Sailing: yoho and a bottle of rum it's a pirate's life for me!!



92% of all teens listen to rap.. If you're one of the 8% that listen to real music, copy and paste this in your signature.


Just to add to the list above:

Snakes: Why not?

Musical instruments: I wanna rock!!!

Decapitation for swords and axes: WOAH! LOOK HOW FAR HIS HEAD WENT!!!

Broken bones for hammers and such: How dare you attack me! I'll break your ****ing leg!!

Pinning people to walls with arrows: Try to get away now!!!

Incineration for fire and shock damage: They will never find your body......

Frozen bodies for XTREME ice damage: I hope you don't thaw out and kill me one day....

Actually being able to paint: I want to use those useless paint brushes, palettes and canvases!!


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please use the edit button rather than double posting. Thanks!


- Switch

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<Nested quotes removed>

Err, they were made with obsidian edges. It's proven that the obsidian used was sharper than steel, so it'd be a lot of damage inflicted.

Sharper than what sort of steel, smithed in what manner?

Wouldn't obsidian tend to shatter when hitting metal?


That said, Raw Ebony might be used instead of Obsidian, which would certainly result in a tougher weapon.

Sharper than the steel brought by the Spanish conquistadors :mellow:


There are very little accounts of it breaking when hitting steel. Also, the darts thrown by the atlatl had obsidian tips and so did their spear. Spanish accounts say those weapons would easily pierce through Spanish steel armor COMPLETELY.


Obsidian would be the correct choice, i'm not looking for an alternate weapon I want the one I said

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Hey, I've been looking for a mod to add a Dreadlock hair style to the game (i guess like the Daedra lord... but... you know... maybe minus those giaant horns and exess hair everywhere?, but for the human races... would probably look cool on orcs too), and I'm very happy to see beard mods finally coming out :D :D :D
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i have a really cool mod idea. but very little time. (GCSE exams coming up soon) and not very good at modding. would it be possible to make like a war in cyrodil after the Oblivion threat has been stopped. like a power grab from a few factions, with the elder council desperately trying to hold on. and like battles randomly happening in the wilderness and cities. and eventually factions can take over a city? and possibly the option to chose sides, or even have your own attempt at a power grab through political or military means *slight spoiler* like i would assume the champion of cyrodil would be able to get quite a few imperial guards on his side. but would someone be able to make that?
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I wish to make a request for a beautifly textured roman armour and roman gladius sword with a spartan greek shield ... maybe a bit like the armour and sword russel crowe wears in the film gladiator . i dont want it to be over powered and maybe just a little bit higher than the stats of the blades armour ....



.....any modder wishing to help please send a reply to me at ... [email protected] or add my xfire keego999


i will be grateful for a modder to help..... I have included some pictures that may be of help in the making of this mod!





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I wish to make a request for a beautifly textured roman armour and roman gladius sword with a spartan greek shield ... maybe a bit like the armour and sword russel crowe wears in the film gladiator . i dont want it to be over powered and maybe just a little bit higher than the stats of the blades armour ....



.....any modder wishing to help please send a reply to me at ... [email protected] or add my xfire keego999


i will be grateful for a modder to help..... I have included some pictures that may be of help in the making of this mod!

Something like this?

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