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Error while rebuilding wrye bash patch


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I am sorry if this was fixed somewhere else but i searched and didn't find anything. but anyway this is the error that i get when i try to use rebuild patch and its actually the first time I've done it so maybe there could be something I am doing wrong:


Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 4017, in Execute
 File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 3979, in Execute
 File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 12779, in buildPatch
 File "D:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\bosh.py", line 17129, in buildPatch
   blueEyeMesh = eye_mesh[(GPath('Oblivion.esm'),0x27308)]
KeyError: (bolt.Path('Oblivion.esm'), 160520)
Traceback (most recent call last):


if there is someone that knows what I'm doing wrong that would help

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actually somehow i fixed that error but I have another question.


yes i am a newb to mods so once again i have no clue what im doing sometimes w/o reading tons of manuals I wouldn't have even gotten this far. well i know what a red box means in wryre bash ( missing master i guess) but im wondering why my DLC battlehorncastle.esm is having that issue


any insight?



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I feel like im talking to myself but I think snooping around more I guess it wasnt actually in the shivering isle pack so i guess i dont have it so it makes sense that its wrong but im wondering how do i get rid of it so later on i can actually install the dlc ( i know having the patch on it b4 is dled is a problem) much thanks again
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