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Need a scripter, concept artist, navmesher, world designer, and some o


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I am currently looking for a scripter, concept artist, navmesher, world designer, plot designer, voice actor(s), someone familiar with making radio stations, and playtesters. In any case I can provide very detailed instructions on what to do, and there is quite a lot of it. I currently have work for everyone, so there is no need to wait around. In addition to above, I would also LIKE some people who just know their way around the geck, but it isn't urgent. You would be working on the mark two mod found in my sig, which is like an alternative version of fook. Please reply or give me a PM.


Just remembered I also need someone who can merge stuff in Fo3 edit.

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Alright. In more detail, the scripter will be making extended if/then scenarios. The concept artist will be displaying new features such as plasmids, or BOS officers riding yao gui, or an enclave assassin running up a wall. The world designer will be building the bare-bones structures for everything from a simple underground tunnel to said airship. YOU NEED ONLY DO THE BASIC STRUCTURES. I can add in furniture and decals, etc. myself. The navmesher's job is self-explanatory and exists only because I haven't the time to do it myself. The plot designer's job is to come up with new quests and such, as well as to make sure mine don't ramble too much. Radio stations and voice actors are self explanatory. For the maker of the stations, you don't need the MP3's. I have a static file you can use that I will replace with said MP3's when it's done. For the voice actor, there's a lot of work, but it's not terribly hard. As for the playtesters, you essential need to playtest not only the mod but fallout 3 itself. If there's anything that's buggy or inconsistent or just doesn't make sense, or something that you just think you should be able to do, your job is to tell me. EVERYTHING.


Please, PLEASE, help.



The file is well over two gigs, although it's uncompressed.

It requires CRAFT, CALIBR, Broken Steel, Anchorage, The Pitt. and FOSE.

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Sure. Somehow I knew that would be one of the first replies. I forgot to mention, though, that the file is well over two gigs, although it's uncompressed.

I also forgot--it requires craft, calibr, broken steel, anchorage, the pitt. and FOSE.

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Really? Nobody is going to help?


Well, it's most likely because, as has been said by many others in many other mod communities, the more people you have working on a game-changing mod, the greater chance of it crashing and burning. Like any other team effort, you need to have backups in mind, or else your mod development grinds to a halt when someone like, say, your 3d modeler quits. Since no one is making any money off of this, they have no reason to keep working when something else catches their eye, be it a new game, social obligations, or just a shiny object. Back when FO3 was brand spanking new, I'm sure people were all kinds of excited to do this kind of thing, but with Vegas coming out relatively soon, maybe people are waiting for updates to the GECK, if FONV even releases an update to it (its Obsidian, not Beth, so who knows.)


All that being said, I can help out with this. I'll PM you with what I can help with, but as the poster above mentioned, having some kind of design doc is a must, otherwise it's just going to be a bunch of non-connected ideas that tumble like the misplaced jenga blocks they are.

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