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New pieced armor for Ancient Rome Mod


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Hi everyone,


I've been modding Oblivion for my wife to recreate Ancient Roman and Greek States. I've successfully pieced together Lorica Segmentata (Roman banded platemail) and am working on a Lorica Hamata (Roman chainmail shirts). I'm using mods available on the nexus to fill in for already made Roman and Greek gear, but I've retextured them for my wife's liking. The issue I'm having is with the Hamata. I've pieced all of the meshes together from Bethesda models using nifskope, but the clutter I've added to them does not display in-game. Here's the breakdown so far with the model (cuirass):


Lorica Hamata:


Chainmail Chest Cuirass displays in-game

Pauldrons from Blade armor displays in-game, but are rotated lower on one side even though they are linked to bothe clavical bones and spine 2

Baldric from a custom armor displays in-game

Arms from the Foot model displays in-game


* all of the above display proper except for the pauldrons, which I don't understand why they translated crooked.


Custom backpack does not display in-game, though in nifskope they were branch pasted into 0 NiNode and are linked to the 0 NiNode's children property

Custom toolbelt with various pouches and knives do not display in-game, though in nifskope each strips were all branch pasted into 0 NiNode and are linked to the 0 NiNode's children property

Sleeves from a retextured lowerclass shirt do not display in-game, though in nifskope they were branch pasted into 0 NiNode and are linked to the 0 NiNode's children property


Why do the above not display in-game? The tool belt is loaded with a dozen meshes, yet it doesn't have any limitations on meshes as far as I can tell, but my Cuirass seems to only be able to display four total items (Arms:0, Upperbody, Upperbody:0, and Upperbody:1 - all labels nifskope automatically assigned for the meshes that do display in-game)


Below is a screen of what I've created so far in nifskope along with shots of my personal project just for fun so you know what I'm talking about. Thanks for any help ya'll!

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I should mention that the picture of the Lorica Hamata show the clutter items in white, mainly because the textures are linked to base game texutres in the .bsa, which I have not exported out. If the game could display those items, which is the problem I'm having, they would show the textures already created.
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