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Did I choose the right time to take a break from PC Gaming?


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The one thing PC has over consoles, is a wider variety of indie games. PC will get the top indie games, simply because the royalties are cheaper, and Steam is friendlier to indie developers than MS and Sony are. And they also have the option of selling the game on their website and paying no royalties to anybody.


A few interesting games coming out in the future:

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Star Citizen

No Man's Sky


No man's sky is coming to PS4 as well, but the PC version is going to be vastly superior. Out of those 3, I'm the most interested in No Man's Sky. .Seems like a sandbox game similar to minecraft, except its far more complex. http://www.no-mans-sky.com/about/



The big AAA developers aren't innovating enough anymore. They're basically redoing stuff that has already been done, and done better by simply including polished up graphics. That isn't interesting to me. Seems like the only ones trying something different are the indie developers, and some of them are funded by kickstarters, like Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


The AAA developers are going to go the way of the dinosaurs. They're too big, their games have too high of a development cost for what they deliver, and eventually they aren't going to be able to make a profit unless they sell 5 million+ copies of these games. Less and less people are willing to pay $60 for new games, and a lot of people wait and buy used for $20-30, or wait on a steam sale.

Edited by Beriallord
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  • 2 weeks later...
I was spending way to much on my smartphone on widget app themes since September and was tired of spending money foolishly on my phone and I decided to finance a new PC and it arrives next week by courier.
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  • 4 weeks later...

ooh you did miss something big: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha! and best of all, FREE!

never mind the triple A franchises, they're overrated and carbon copies of previous releases for the most part.

Edited by VileTouch
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