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Skyrim Redone's Perk System


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Hello modding community


I've downloaded several mods before i stumbled accross the Skyrim Redone mod by T3end0

I do realy like this mod for his new perk trees and the additton to get more than one perk point per level




there are some things that i dont like about this mod ofcourse ( otherwise i wouldnt be writing this post)


is there a modder out there that can make the Skyrim redone mod more adjustable so i can choose to only:

use the new perk system

the scroll produktion

the new spells added

the wayfarer skill tree


without changing the items like the armors or the weapons

my problem with the items is that there are now Steel weapons that do like 21 dmg while the ebony mace i found was at 15

i do appreciate T3end0's work and he did a realy good job but these little things just make me feel uncomfortable while playing

not to mention the long saving and loading times i have while the mod is active



somebody who has no idea how modding works :mellow:


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