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Script Quest

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Hello there, I am looking for a way to remove all Spells the player has. The idea would be to delete all Spells that are not Powers. Is it possible? And would it be possible to delete all spells that are from a specific school? I would be really thankful


ps. sorry for my typo in the title. I meant 'Script Question' instead of 'Script Quest'

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I guess it is a workaround. Added in my readme to tell people to manually delete their spell list before using my mod, if they are willing to play with their old savegames


If anyone comes up with a global script idea please tell me



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A quick and dirty script:

scn RemoveSpellsScript

; Removes all spells from the player that are not powers. OBSE required!
array_var spells
short index
ref cur
short doonce

begin gamemode

if doonce
let spells := playerref.getspells
while index < ar_size spells
	let cur := spells[index]
	if getspelltype cur == 0		; Change to 'if getspellschool cur == 0' to remove all Alteration spells. Magic School types can be looked up in the OBSE docs.
		playerref.removespellns cur
		let index += 1
let doonce := 1		; May be better to just stop the quest if you're planning on only using this once.


Requires OBSE. Just attach it to a quest and you're good to go. :happy::

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A quick and dirty script:

scn RemoveSpellsScript


Mister, you are simply a genius. Thank you very much.


I am new to scripting and programming, may you point me to some more resources? I never knew about the "let" function. And didnt know oblivion supported loops. So any more resources link you can give me would be handy.


Here is my current mod if you are interested (i managed pretty much to achieve what I wanted


And I was just looking to make the mod compatible with Advanced SaveGames and I needed to delete the spell list from the characters. My only concern now is about the custom spells (for example configuration spells from other mods or stuff like that). But i will look for a workaround on it.



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Out of curiosity, would it be possible to save the spells to return them later?

Of course! That's easy, but if the mod is deactivated the data will be lost. However that data can also be stored in a way that isn't affected by disabling the mod.


A quick and dirty script:
scn RemoveSpellsScriptMister, you are simply a genius. Thank you very much.I am new to scripting and programming, may you point me to some more resources? I never knew about the "let" function. And didnt know oblivion supported loops. So any more resources link you can give me would be handy.Here is my current mod if you are interested (i managed pretty much to achieve what I wantedhttp://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31918And I was just looking to make the mod compatible with Advanced SaveGames and I needed to delete the spell list from the characters. My only concern now is about the custom spells (for example configuration spells from other mods or stuff like that). But i will look for a workaround on it.Bye!

The let function is just OBSE's version of Oblivion's set function. It's the only way to interact with arrays and such; that can't be done with set. Loops are also part of the low-calorie-goodness that is OBSE. Check the OBSE docs if you want to learn more. :tongue:


There's no need to worry about spells added by other mods, by the way. This will remove every spell in the player spellbook, regardless of which mod it came from.

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Thank you very much. But I cant still make the script to work. It just freezes when the loop starts (after pressing the Old SaveGame button). New Game button works fine.


here is the script I made (by the way, i'd like to know what is the := operation. And if the ar_size returns info about the last array called, or what?)


scn RemoveSpellsScript

; Removes all spells from the player that are not powers. OBSE required!

array_var spells
short index
ref cur
short doonce
short doonce2
short doonce3
short CleanSpells
short button

float fQuestDelayTime
float timer

begin gamemode

set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001
if GetQuestRunning AOMSInitialize == 0 ;    <---- If the mod hasnt been played already

if doonce2 == 0 
MessageBox "Welcome to Alternative Oblivion Magic System. I Take it this is your first time Playing this mod. Is this an Old Savegame not made with this mod? or Are you playing a New Game?" "New Game" "Old SaveGame"
	set doonce2 to 1

if doonce3 == 0
set button to GetButtonPressed
if button == -1
elseif button == 0 	; <---- New Game
	Message "Executing Alternative Oblivion Magic System..."
	StartQuest AOMSInitialize
	set doonce3 to 1
	StopQuest AOMSIAWelcome          ;  <---- Stops THIS script
elseif button == 1 ; <----- Old SaveGame. Lets Clean Spell List
	set doonce3 to 1
	set CleanSpells to 1
	Message "Adapting your Character to be played with Alternative Oblivion Magic System. Please Wait..."



if CleanSpells == 1 && timer < 3
set timer to timer + getsecondspassed

elseif CleanSpells == 1 && timer >= 3

if doonce == 0          ;      <----- Game is Freezing somewhere here
       let spells := playerref.getspells
       while index < ar_size spells
               let cur := spells[index]
               if getspelltype cur == 0                ; Change to 'if getspellschool cur == 0' to remove all Alteration spells. Magic School types can be looked up in the OBSE docs.
                       playerref.removespellns cur
                       let index += 1
       let doonce := 1         ; May be better to just stop the quest if you're planning on only using this once.
	Message "You Character is now ready to play Alternative Oblivion Magic System. Please Save your game now"

	StartQuest AOMSInitialize
	set CleanSpells to 2
	StopQuest AOMSIAWelcome



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Whooops! I misplaced a line causing an infinite loop. It's supposed to be like this:

if doonce == 0
       let index := 0    ; Added this line to make sure it runs when used more than once.
       let spells := playerref.getspells
       while index < ar_size spells
               let cur := spells[index]
               if getspelltype cur == 0                ; Change to 'if getspellschool cur == 0' to remove all Alteration spells. Magic School types can be looked up in the OBSE docs.
                       playerref.removespellns cur
	let index += 1
       let doonce := 1         ; May be better to just stop the quest if you're planning on only using this once.
               Message "You Character is now ready to play Alternative Oblivion Magic System. Please Save your game now"
               StartQuest AOMSInitialize
               set CleanSpells to 2
               StopQuest AOMSIAWelcome


I said it was a quick and dirty script. :tongue:



(by the way, i'd like to know what is the := operation.

It's part of the let operator.

Basically, read this:

let var := 1

as this:

set var to 1


The let operator also supports add and assign (and similar) operations:

let var += 1

which means the same as:

set var to var + 1



And if the ar_size returns info about the last array called, or what?)

ar_Size returns the size of the specified array, which is needed when iterating over the elements so you don't try to access non-existent keys. (Unless you're using a for loop.) If you're interested, I can tell a bit more about arrays.

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