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Game crashes when nearing water


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At first, my game crashed when I tried to exit the sewers. I fixed this by doing the following:

13: My game crashes when entering the sewers.

Some people also report success after switching bUseRefractionShader, bDoImageSpaceEffects, bUseWaterShader and bUseFaceGenLOD to 0, as well as bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen to 1 in the Oblivion.INI.

This made the water purple. I downloaded a texturepack for water (http://www.oldblivion.com/sm/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=6.0;id=300), to make it blue again.

Now, when I try to go near the water, or even touch it, the game will crash. It will give me the infamous 'Oblivion has stopped working' pop-up. Even before the texturepack the game would crash the same way.

Any thoughts?


EDIT: My loadorder and other mods


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