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Full sword and board warrior combat mod request.


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I would like to see a mod that doesn't allow healing spells to be used but rather has a larger health pool( like 200%) and much greater( like 300%) combat health regeneration abilities.


Ive been toying around with it in skytweak using the above and some of the other combat mods like deadly combat and the gameplay is far superior if your a board and sword type of player.


If someone were to make a mod based on this idea , it would be nice to also consider the following.


-Potions changed to heal over time and limited to 1 or 2.

-Enchantments scaled back a bit. New enchantments that boost regeneration when blocking.

-Vastly improved shield functions and shield perk tree.

-Vastly improved one hand perk tree.

-Restoration tree focused on regeneration and defensive abilities i.e no direct health spells.

-Alteration changed to augment the blocking tree and utility spells.

- Enemy attacks that hinder regeneration.

- more shields and magic based spell shields.

- Shield material has different attributes (ebony blocks more magic, dragon blocks more fire etc.).


I don't think anyone has made a mod like that yet if anyone is interested. I might give it a shot myself if I can figure out the modding.





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