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Fix for AMD Crossfire and ENB? I am begging for help


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Hi there.


I was having low fps using all my wanted graphics. I had around 20-25 fps. So I decided to buy another AMD card that was on sale to go Crossfire.


Every other game the Crossfire is working. But in Skyrim I get flickering shadows and strange issues like depth of field issue. Removing crossfire removes the effect but I go down from 55 FPS to 25 FPS again.


Ive tried multiple profiles in the AMD Catalyst Control Center but none of them is working optimally.


The best one so far is Fear profile where I get everything working except massiv yellow blinking in the background when I am in any menu.


Pleeeeease tell me there is fix for this. A profile I dont know about? An ENB where it doesnt cause any isses. I have been googling this for days and some people got some profiles working for them but some of them just disable crossfire.


I really realy want this is to work. I only play Skyrim so I want my crossfire to function there.

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From experience the best profile is the actual Skyrim profile which you have to assign to skse.exe


As for the DOF problem, you can't use ENB Depth of Field + crossfire without serious visual bugs (I could never get it to work). If you want depth of field with crossfire your best bet is with "DYNAVISION - Dynamic Depth of Field" and to disable the enb DOF effect. That is what I did for Skyrim with my cards.

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