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GECK gives up loading plugin


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A plugin that I've been working on, called Mo'verrides.esp as it initially focused on overriding records in the Book of Earache files, has suddenly led to GECK giving up the ghost at the end of the loading process. This differs from locking up or crashing in that I CAN actually use the basic features of the UI, sort of...


I load the plugin like normal, and it goes through the load process. It brings up a lot of warnings, most of which I ignore - it tends to be things like "such-and-such armor item needs biped slots selected in the editor" when the armour item in question is a token that isn't supposed to be equipped at all and thus doesn't need biped slots... Most of the warnings aren't even for my plugin, they're for the admittedly-long list of masters my plugin has. But once it reaches the 99% stage of loading, GECK just goes "f*** it" and can't be bothered continuing - meaning it doesn't populate the object window, doesn't give me the list of cells... It hasn't locked up, because I can navigate the options on the menu bar mostly-normally. I can bring up any of the dialogue boxes that are triggered from the menus, I can load up the script editor and load any of the scripts from there... but the object window is never populated. No cells show up. Edited scripts won't actually save.


The problem extends to any other plugins I have later in the load order which include Mo'verrides.esp on their masters list. (I use Wrye Flash to set the ESM flag before I load any ESPs as masters in GECK, then reset it after I'm done with GECK) However, I have other plugins with much longer masters lists than Mo'verrides.esp; one of these plugins has EVERY SINGLE ONE of Mo'verrides' masters on its master list bar one. The one, SelectZoom.esm, another unreleased mod of mine, I believe can be ruled out because I've got other plugins also using SelectZoom.esm as a master which load in GECK without issue.


I'm stumped. None of the warnings in the log seem to point to the cause...


Masters for: Mo'verrides.esp



00  falloutnv.esm
01  DeadMoney.esm
02  HonestHearts.esm
03  OldWorldBlues.esm
04  LonesomeRoad.esm
05  GunRunnersArsenal.esm
06  Caliber.esm
07  FOOK - New Vegas.esm
08  FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
09  Mo'.esm
0A  SelectZoom.esm
0B  WeaponModsExpanded.esp
0C  WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp






config path = H:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\NVSE\nvse_plugin_geckpu_ew.ini
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	QUESTS: Could not find previous info (010108DD) for TopicInfo (01011B23) in Topic "NVDLC01RadioElijahEnd" (01011B12).

	Origin: 0059688F
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'FadeToBlackAndBackQuickHalfsISFX' (0201013B) is not unique, previous object (01014085) is type IMAD. Editor ID will be set to 'FadeToBlackAndBackQuickHalfsISFXDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'WeapNVDLC00Faderator' (02000800) is not unique, previous object (01000800) is type WEAP. Editor ID will be set to 'WeapNVDLC00FaderatorDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'WeapNVDLC00Faderator' (03000800) is not unique, previous object (01000800) is type WEAP. Editor ID will be set to 'WeapNVDLC00FaderatorDUPLICATE001'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'FadeToBlackAndBackQuickHalfsISFX' (0300C6DD) is not unique, previous object (01014085) is type IMAD. Editor ID will be set to 'FadeToBlackAndBackQuickHalfsISFXDUPLICATE001'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'NVDLC03TTankFloorPit01' (0400470F) is not unique, previous object (03009622) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'NVDLC03TTankFloorPit01DUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'NVDLC03TTankMid01' (0400470E) is not unique, previous object (0300961E) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'NVDLC03TTankMid01DUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'NVDLC03TTankInnerCeilMid' (0400470D) is not unique, previous object (03009626) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'NVDLC03TTankInnerCeilMidDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'NVDLC03TTankInnerCeilCor' (0400470C) is not unique, previous object (0300961D) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'NVDLC03TTankInnerCeilCorDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'NVDLC03TTankCeilingPit01' (0400470B) is not unique, previous object (03009621) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'NVDLC03TTankCeilingPit01DUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'NVDLC03TTankCeilingCor01' (0400470A) is not unique, previous object (03009624) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'NVDLC03TTankCeilingCor01DUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'Bld03CorIn01' (04003643) is not unique, previous object (03010719) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'Bld03CorIn01DUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'WeapNVDLC00Faderator' (04000800) is not unique, previous object (01000800) is type WEAP. Editor ID will be set to 'WeapNVDLC00FaderatorDUPLICATE002'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'z' (04009CD7) is not unique, previous object (03011E7E) is type REFR. Editor ID will be set to 'zDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'WeapNVDLC00Faderator' (05000800) is not unique, previous object (01000800) is type WEAP. Editor ID will be set to 'WeapNVDLC00FaderatorDUPLICATE003'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'Case45ACP' (02009E71) is not unique, previous object (06000E03) is type MISC. Editor ID will be set to 'Case45ACPDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'Ammo45ACPFMJ' (06000E28) is not unique, previous object (0200947B) is type AMMO. Editor ID will be set to 'Ammo45ACPFMJDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'Ammo45ACPJHP' (06000E29) is not unique, previous object (02009E6A) is type AMMO. Editor ID will be set to 'Ammo45ACPJHPDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'Ammo556mmMatch' (06001171) is not unique, previous object (0500086F) is type AMMO. Editor ID will be set to 'Ammo556mmMatchDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	MASTERFILE: Script 'VictoryRifleKnockdownScript' on carryable form 'Ammo50MGAPI' (0600148C) contains GetSelf function.

	Origin: 0050A28C
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'AmmoList45ACP' (02009E70) is not unique, previous object (06000E24) is type FLST. Editor ID will be set to 'AmmoList45ACPDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'RecipeBreakdown127mm' (0600B75B) is not unique, previous object (0017BA3D) is type RCPE. Editor ID will be set to 'RecipeBreakdown127mmDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6
Warning - PowerUp - REPORTS	EDITOR: Editor ID 'FookGeckoCanRCPE' (07005547) is not unique, previous object (07005546) is type ALCH. Editor ID will be set to 'FookGeckoCanRCPEDUPLICATE000'.

	Origin: 004FB5C6


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It does if you set that ESP's ESM flag before you load it in the GECK. That's all GECK cares about. It can have the extension ESP but as long as that flag is set, GECK treats it as an ESM. Even if you don't, it doesn't produce these symptoms - GECK will still load it, it'll just cram all of the content from the master'd ESP into your saved plugin, and then forget that it's supposed to be a master.


In other words, I know from experience that this is NOT the problem.

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