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Can't find my mod in G.E.C.K


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I finally started to learn how to mod using Bethesda's tutorial on how to make my first vault. However, I can't seem to find my mod. I load the files like you would when you first get started but the vault doesn't show up in the render window. But all the files show up in my object window. Can any one tell me how to find my mod and why it's not showing up? Thank you!
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It is probably off center. Double click one of the objects that do show up and it will take you there.



Ahhh! I see thank you! Have a kudos! :D

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It is probably off center. Double click one of the objects that do show up and it will take you there.



Ahhh! I see thank you! Have a kudos! :D



Now I have another question... How do I get my mod to load in the data files? I have 3 file names for some reason but only one of them is showing up in the data files.



Vault 74.esp

The Man Cave.esp


Jeremy.esp is the one showing up in the data files. when in game i bring up my console "~" and type COC Vault 74 and/or COC Jeremy and it doesn't take me to my vault. I followed all the directions that were given to me in the tutorial. However my vault is not showing up in the game so I can test it. Any help?

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You need coc nameofcell, not coc nameofesp.



How do I find out the name of the cell? Is it like "VRmCorRR01"? If that's the case wouldn't it take me to any VRmCorRR01 in the game or even cause a crash?


How do I get my test mod, vault74.esp to show up in my data files in the games launcher?

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Look in the cell view window, the name under editor ID is the cell name. It has to be unique so there can't be 2 with the same name.

If your esp isn't showing up in the launcher, I would guess you are using vista or win7 and have the game installed to \Program Files. You need to either disable UAC or possibly run GECK as admin in order to save plugins there.

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