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Problem With Downloaded Mod - Textures


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I've downloaded mod "slper_plate_mail" and after a while I've finally found Plate MailShield.

Yay, but why there is no textures??? :wacko:

All I can see is violet model of a shield. :(

And in inventory preview of my character there is only a shadow in a place of shield.


Is this because I've instaled my Oblivion into diferent directory than official?

What can I do to load this textures??? I've already tried to put paths into ArchiveInvalidation file but id didn't work :(. Maby I did something wrong?

I also tried to load textures in nifoskope (or whatewer it is caled ;)). And after loadin I can see this shield with textures but it didn't do anything for my shield in the game itself :(.


Please, somebody help!!!

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