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Classic Zombie mod


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I have seen the Zombie mods on the site but the one thing that is missing is a mod that creates a world like that of The Zombie Survival Guide or World War Z. In both these books they feature the classic or old school zombie meaning only head shots kill, they walk at a slow pace 1 step=1.5 seconds and finaly their super senses by that i mean 1. sight=normal 2. hearing=more sensetive so silencers are a must if you dont want the horde on you and if one zombie sees you it moans which atracts other zombies making what could be an very large horde that could number in the hundereds. This is just an idea hope someone likes it and thinks to try and make something like this.
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I have seen the Zombie mods on the site but the one thing that is missing is a mod that creates a world like that of The Zombie Survival Guide or World War Z. In both these books they feature the classic or old school zombie meaning only head shots kill, they walk at a slow pace 1 step=1.5 seconds and finaly their super senses by that i mean 1. sight=normal 2. hearing=more sensetive so silencers are a must if you dont want the horde on you and if one zombie sees you it moans which atracts other zombies making what could be an very large horde that could number in the hundereds. This is just an idea hope someone likes it and thinks to try and make something like this.


I can see it being possible to create the stats, but I doubt anybody's computer will be fine loading up a few hundred zombies in fallout's engine.

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I can see it being possible to create the stats, but I doubt anybody's computer will be fine loading up a few hundred zombies in fallout's engine.


Could always do what Left 4 Dead does and recycle the same exact 25 zombies constantly.


I loaded MMM's ghoul rampage and ghoul cemetery, it brought my system to its knees.

At least a hundred ghouls in Arlington, at a bare minimum.

Would be better if they came in system manageable packs of 30 or so.

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