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Enemies not attacking...


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Hello. I'm new here, and I hope that somebody can help me with this problem.


I only recently started using mods, and I think they're great. But now I have a problem. The problem is that enemies don't attack me. When I get near them, they stutter in their movements, and they don't care if I'm there. Even if I shoot them, they don't respond. But when I have a companion, my companion and the enemies attack each other, but the enemies still ignore me!


I really don't know what is wrong. I started a new game with my mods installed, and everything was fine at first, but around the time I got to Little Lamplight, this AI thing happened, and it persists until now, after I completed the game. It kinda saps the fun of the game when enemies don't attack...


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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Oh, I forgot to put the load order. Here it is:











A-08 Fusion Cannon 2.0.esp


Hope someone can help me!

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You don't happen to be wearing the shadow armor from personal terminal do you?


other than that i don't really know what could be the issue. If it were me I would try getting rid of one of the two cheat mods (do you really need two?) since they are the only things that could possibly conflict, it seems. When you disable something, a sure way of removing all references from the mod is loading the save with mod disabled, then making new save. Otherwise it can still mess things up. Sorry I can't give much more advice than that I'm not really familiar with the cheat mods.

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Well, I got rid of LevelersTruckTrailer.esp, and it worked. Maybe it really was a conflict. Thank you so much for your help, kind sir! :D
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