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Arms/legs missing with armor on


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Strange bug that I'm getting, when character is naked the body looks perfect, but when I equip any chest/leg piece of armor that doesn't completely cover the arms/legs, the arms and legs completely disappear. I'm using MBP and HGEC. It affects all races that I've tried so far, including every npc I've seen. Anyone have any thoughts? Wondering if perhaps it has anything to do with Archive invalidation, but I'm hesitant to mess with that too much without knowing what I'm doing. Thanks.

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Do you also have the necessary Stock Clothing and Armor Replacers for your choice of HGEC body? In Oblivion your body comes with your clothes, so wearing Vanilla items will return a Vanilla body.

Vanilla body meshes are known to not work well with body mods' skin textures, and in some cases to cause disappearance even.


Your best bet would be to take a look at the EyeCandy Variants Expansion (EVE) project for HGEC, as it contains almost every Vanilla clothing or armor item adapted for use with almost every variant of HGEC.


Body mods' readmes always tell that Stock Replacers are optional, that it's just a matter of slight mismatches now and then and only an aesthetic decision using Stock Replacers over Vanilla items. But they are wrong.

Especially when it comes to custom races made for only certain bodies, the Vanilla body parts in the Vanilla items all of a sudden will be completely without skin textures.

Missing Textures usually means purple in Oblivion, but it's not unusual for the game to switch priority and give you the Missing Normalmap error indicator instead and turn your body parts either pitch black or make them disappear.


Stock Replacers are 'mandatory' when using a body mod. :thumbsup:

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