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Thieves Guild Weird Bug but annoying,please help


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Hi guys,
i've got a major problem with getting the 'fishing Job' from Delvin,after i got initiated into the guild and talked to Delvin about the job,he finishes the dialogue but he doesn't give me the quest,and what's worse,is that if i choose another job AFTER asking him the fishing job it bugs out the other jobs for Delvin and doesn't give me the quests for other jobs
but if i choose another job instead of 'fishing',works fine
the other two Bedlam and Numbers work,Vex's Jobs work fine
I have this mods active for the Thieves Guild

  • Thieves Guild Redone
  • Localized Thieves Guild Jobs

i had previously installed but i removed before starting a new playthrough

  1. Nightgale Hall and Karliah Follower
  2. Thieves Guild Followers
  3. Brinjolf and Vex Followers

I've tried to see in the console at what stage the quest was TGRGF and was at 0
i tried setting it at 10 but it doesn't work
it's like it's stuck on that quest but strangely it allows me to pick another quest

also i have Skyrim at the latest patch and following mods

  1. Civil War Overhaul
  2. DawnGuard DLC
  3. DragonBorn DLC
  4. Heartfire DLC
  5. all Unofficial Patches
  6. ApachiiHair
  7. ApachiiHairMales
  8. LegendarySouls
  9. More Interactive Items
  10. More Interactive Items [Dawnguard]
  11. More Interactive Items [Hearthfire]
  12. SPIKE
  13. Brawl Bugs CE
  14. Better Dynamic Snow
  15. AK- Placeable Statics
  16. UnlimitedBookshelves
  17. RE_RealEstate
  18. RealisticSkinning
  19. Unique BOOZE Bottles
  20. SkyUI
  21. Cloaks of Skyrim
  22. Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra
  23. Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation (immersive Armors)
  24. Immersive Weapons.
  25. konahrik_accoutrements
  26. konahrik_accoutrements_db
  27. LeftHandRings.esp Version 1.3
  28. Non-playable Armor
  29. Nord Hero Arrows - Daedric Quality
  30. DeadlyDragonsArmory
  31. BetterDarkBrotherhood (Fixed Deleted Navmesh)
  32. CZHCAD
  35. HjerimExpansion
  36. LocalizedGuildJobs
  37. Sky Haven Temple M&M3
  38. The Paarthurnax Dilemma
  39. Thieves Guild Redone
  40. 99 Pickpocket chance
  41. AchieveThat
  42. alcoholiceffect
  43. dynamic fires
  44. Guard Dialogue Overhaul
  45. Killable Children - Quest Important Protected
  46. skoomaeffect
  47. dD - Enhanced Blood Main
  48. dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch
  49. skyforgedWeapons
  50. TAVEWindhelm
  51. Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons
  52. Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors
  53. Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors
  54. Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors
  55. RLO - Adaptive Interiors Vanilla Weathers Patch
  56. WerewolfMastery
  57. Random Vampire Attacks in Towns Disabled
  58. _tck_SpellCrafting
  59. Apocalypse - The Spell Package
  60. FluxMOD_DeadThrallEnhanced_v2
  61. OpenUnlock
  62. DragonFire - Voice of the Dragon
  63. Improved Dragon Shouts
  64. Improved Dragon Shouts - Dragonborn
  65. DragonFire - Improved Dragon Shouts Compatibility
  66. skoomacooking
  67. Realistic crime report radius
  68. Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE
  69. dD-No Spinning Death Animation
  70. Skyhawk_eat_drink_animation
  71. Grandmaster Delphine
  72. Kickass Esbern
  73. Essential Blades
  74. Veezara lives
  75. Windhelm Bridge Overhaul
  76. Burning Skies
  77. hasselgranf Nordic Ruin Home
  78. hjerim basement
  79. Understone Keep Repair
  80. Dawnstar Sanctuary Reborn
  81. Weather Control

all mods have been cleaned from Dirty Edits reported in BOSS

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