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Shocked and horrified


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I won't know with this ending if it will work with Alistair along as I've already left him at the gates, but it would be worth a try. If I feel like going through the whole Denerim - AD thing so soon after this one, I could load it again from the gates and try taking him, but must remember to give any saves some identification so I can delete them if it all goes pearshaped and clean up the saved files later, can't have two lots of endings in the same game, it might complicate things at a later date.


I could well imagine that the program could crash or do something hideous if I have both Alistair and Loghain at the end, as there isn't any way playing normally they would ever be in the same party, so when the time comes to strike the final blow there might be some conflict between them, it will know there has been no DR so want to send Alistair, but will also register the discussion with Loghain and want to send him,we will just have to suck it and see. I've just thought it would be hilarious if they both went for it :laugh: Perhaps if anyone else is following this discussion or trying this ending they will let us know.


I will let you know if the pre roof chat affects the final blow scene as well.


When I remember to use the army I never try to do anything with them, just click the icon and leave them to it, I have seen one or two running around, so I know they are there, but I think you only get 6 and then if 1 dies another comes out to take their place, presumably until they are all dead, not much chance of that the way I play :laugh:

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I just finished and it worked great, kept him out of the fighting and you can select him and make him do stuff. I did get the end bit even after the earlier discussion.


There were a couple of things I wasn't too pleased about and were confusing.


Mine didn't go like yours did, I didn't even see Anora so didn't get the 'how did my father die' thing?

At the post coronation Alistair said I would be Queen, BUT that didn't match the epilogue and I don't think that the epilogue about Anora was right either, I've attached a couple of screens shots of what was said, to me this sounds more like I'm his bit on the side from Anora's epilogue.


I don't think I will play this ending again, I'm going to check my previous epilogue as Queen and see if that say the same for Anora, I'm sure it doesn't. I wonder if a mod caused the difference.

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Hmmmmmm... Glad the critical pieces worked well. And sounds like you had a lot more success interacting with the old blackguard then I did. ('tho I admit I didn't try very hard.)


Wonder why you didn't see Anora at the end? Maybe in my playthrough I had made her Queen alone so that Alistair and I could continue our GW careers? Can't remember...


I do remember being surprised at her presence at the conclusion of one my journeys (probably the 2nd.) If she had been there the previous time(s), I just hadn't noticed. Hiding back in the corner where you have to specifically look for her. Kind of a Mac Tir thing to do, don't you think? Sneaking about like that, then swooping in with the uncomfortable question. ("Swoopping is ... Bad.")


As I noted earlier, I'm going to re-load for this scenario but deliberately allow my PC to die during the Final battle before Loghain finishes-off the AD. Will let everyone know how it runs out! :cool:

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Oops.. I thought this was in the Fallout 3 section and was wondering why anyone would want Allistair Tenpenny to kiss them.

I don't think anyone would! :laugh:

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As I noted earlier, I'm going to re-load for this scenario but deliberately allow my PC to die during the Final battle before Loghain finishes-off the AD. Will let everyone know how it runs out! :cool:


Piffle! I just ran the game-logic of the scenario through in my head. I'll bet that my "death" in the FB is considered just being combat-ineffective, since I won't have struck the killing blow but members of the Party survived. :sick:


Won't have a chance to test until next week since I'm on the road at the moment, and heading to a niece's graduation directly from here. We'll see...

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I don't fancy doing the end battles over again so soon, but depending what mood I'm in I might load an old save and try taking them both to see what happens, if I do I'll post and I'll watch for yours in case you try it first.


It does seem that both of those epilogues are blips, I've loaded an old save where I didn't use mods and chose to rule alongside and got the same epilogues with that, so something is wrong, but someone gave me a link in another thread for an epilogue fix which I'm going to try.


It would appear from the epilogues that BW want Alistair married off to Anora and any female GW as the bit on the side, how nasty is that. I'm just not sure if they are nasty, lazy or stupid.

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I'm pretty sure it's a conflict from the pre-Landsmeet script and whatever you do after (Alistair doesn't show up at the celebrations although I had Loghain kill AD after executing him)


As for the princess-consort, you will be referred to as such regardless. I have no idea why, BW just enjoys pissing people off I think.

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I don't fancy doing the end battles over again so soon, but depending what mood I'm in I might load an old save and try taking them both to see what happens, if I do I'll post and I'll watch for yours in case you try it first.


It does seem that both of those epilogues are blips, I've loaded an old save where I didn't use mods and chose to rule alongside and got the same epilogues with that, so something is wrong, but someone gave me a link in another thread for an epilogue fix which I'm going to try.


It would appear from the epilogues that BW want Alistair married off to Anora and any female GW as the bit on the side, how nasty is that. I'm just not sure if they are nasty, lazy or stupid.


I think it depends on the landmeet. Since I chopped off Loghain's head, the Alistair ending happened. I haven't tried it where you yank Alistair back into your party.

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The ending I did was using Thandal's console cheat to avoid getting Alistair to do the DR.


Alistair killed Loghain at the Landsmeet, I chose to 'rule beside him', so far so good.


I refused to talk Alistair into doing the DR and Morrigan left, again what the programmers intended.


I had to leave Alistair at the gate because I used the CC to yank Loghain into the party before going out onto the roof of the fort, where he offered to kill the AD which meant I lived.


I thought the epilogues were screwed up because of how I manipulated the last battle, but when I loaded an old saved game where everything was done as the programmers meant it to be, I got the same screwy epilogues, they are definitely bugged.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Thandal update on this game. I was curious to know how this character would export into Awakenings so I gave it a whirl tonight and everything went well. Alistair was King I was Queen no mention of Loghain, no sparks coming from my processor or game crashes, weeeeel that isn't strictly true, when I had to fight the talking DS only Anders took any damage no one else did, but hey if the game is bugged in my favour who am I to complain :biggrin:


I still haven't managed to find help with a console cheat to get rid of Loghain from the party camp :sad: :yucky:

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