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No Horse Age: Origins?


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I did a search on this and couldn't find any topics concerning this: Why doesn't Dragon Age contain any hooved Animals?

I mean... I don't know jack about the game (Just played through the Intro and the Invasion of Ostagar) and... I don't know jack about the Editor, which only recently found it's way to my DAO Folder.

But I know this: A good Fantasy Setting needs some Cavalry and mounted messengers. (Okay, maybe something to argue about)


Before I cling to the reasons for this Idea, I'd rather describe it and let you judge by yourself:


- There should be a Horse Companion just like the Mabari Hound, at least for packing/carrying stuff.

- There should be Horses standing around near Encampments, Castles and such.

- Maybe adding a static horse that acts as a traveling agent could also be considered.

- Cutscenes with riding characters can be produced.


- A cool Addon would be to have ridable mounts or at least some spell to shapeshift into a "horse with rider". --> That would mean changing the shape of the player, modifying it's movement speed and merging said features with a companion and dialogue so you're able to: 1. call the horse, 2. select "mount horse" and 3. get shifted/sped up.



My main reasons for this are:

The game would be much more realistic, with traveling options and more atmosphere.

I want to see if that is even possible.

I'd like to make a mod with various mounts (ok, seems like a goal that is far far away or nearly impossible, but anyways)


I would suggest to do the following: (Considering that I am very unexperienced with 3d-Tools and the DAO Toolset)

- create and or modify some existing Mesh of a Horse

- create and or modify Animations for this Mesh

- same with texture

- implementing Horse into game - as creep/decoration



- Adding Horse as a companion

- Scripting the Horse as a treasure chest similiar to the encampment chest

- Modifying Player and or NPC Animations to fit upon the horse / Adding Horse with NPC as a new Mesh

- Combining Horse and Player / NPC

- Scripting Dialogue and or Spell to make riding available

- Creating various textures or even Armor for the Horse



I do know, that this request is alltogether a sh**load of work and nearly impossible to think of. But maybe there are some Artists, Animators, Scripters out there who think they are witty and eager enough to face this as a team.

And maybe this idea gets some supporters at least ^^


I'm curious about your opinions!

Cheers, Gnuu


(As this is my first post, I'm gonna have to say that I'm German, so please feel free to correct or ask me, if something wasn't clear enough.)


And: Question, Starting small: Is it possible to mount a dragon with a character?

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Maybe Darkspawn ate all the horses lol


As to "And: Question, Starting small: Is it possible to mount a dragon with a character? "


Well if the character is really sexually deprived i suppose even a DRAGON is mountable :)\


In fact it should be made into an option at the pearl


1 mount a nice lady

2 mount a nice gentleman

3 mount a nice Mabari

4 mount a nice Dragon

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I expected the first response to my thread would be a little bit more serious,

but anyways... made me laugh and consider my dictionary if i was wrong about the term "to mount a horse"

Reminds me of Lines like: "Hey... he said boner!"

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Thank god you didn't get offended.

I adore people with sense of humor.


To be honest it would take a REAL talented moder to come up with dragon mounting and sorts,dont know if anyone would bother.



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Oooooh a Dragon Rider , i want one :biggrin:


as to Gnuu yes there isn't any horse in game only a mention of a horse .but in the book they are actually mention of an armored cavalry hence" the chevaliers" may be programmers at bioware didn't think of horses in game would be that cool or may be too difficult or just being lazy lawl

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But what about just modeling the horse and adding it as an NPC?


Would be the first step I suppose... but also difficult (If only I was more aquainted to Modeling... Just got Maya09 and first few baby steps)


Anyone interested in the project? ^^

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about you saying that there are no hooved animals in DA:O, thats not true.


the elves have their halla's and with the improved admosphere mod, there is an ox at every cart (dunno if there in the stock game though)

yeah and bronto's in orzamar (big rhinos trained by the little people)

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