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Fallout 4 modding team


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A new fallout game means were gonna have to start modding from scratch, so were putting togeather the ultimate modding team. We have some pretty ambitious projects for the new fallout, and were gonna need some talent, If your ready to jump ship and start some of the greatest mods of the new game.


So far out team consists of:

Me: Inecperienced

July: Inexperienced

BC: Experienced with Meshes and Animation

Dem: Experienced with G.e.c.k. and Tesconstruction set

Kya: Inexperienced

Anna: She knows her way around Adult Content...


Please join, we could use anyone and everyone, and every person who joins is another person working to make Fallout 4 a better place to play.


(Join team Immortal Mod)

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:confused: Aint it a tad too early for Fallout 4? not sure what it will be like exactly, it might be a completely different engine using different file formats etc


Still guess sooner the better. If I was you, Id start digging about, I mean REALLY digging about like looking for rumors, following up leads about fallout 4 game design and possible mechanics.


Best place to start is bathesda forums and No Mutants Allowed has a Reputation on getting hold of info on the latest Fallout games, they got good info on Fallout New Vegas.


Still good luck tho....


If ya need help, give us a Shout. I am a Intermediate GECK user + Model converter type *censored*. Just look how many Posts I got! Im a Veteran.

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:confused: Aint it a tad too early for Fallout 4? not sure what it will be like exactly, it might be a completely different engine using different file formats etc


my guess is, he actually mistake FNV for F4....


Well... bad informed, bad writing and most of the team members don't have any experiance... really sounds like the upcoming "ultimate modding team" :rolleyes:

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