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Mage or Warrior?


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Hey guys! :) I just started to play DoA and wondering which char to play.. I have both.. mage and war at 7-8lvl, but warrior seems so weak.. and I always die.. When Im with a mage I kill everythink... I usually play melee chars.. That's why I wanted to play war, but If he is that weak.. ;[


Or maybe Rogue? Havent tried him yet.. What about him? Is he good?

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Hey guys! :) I just started to play DoA and wondering which char to play.. I have both.. mage and war at 7-8lvl, but warrior seems so weak.. and I always die.. When Im with a mage I kill everythink... I usually play melee chars.. That's why I wanted to play war, but If he is that weak.. ;[


Or maybe Rogue? Havent tried him yet.. What about him? Is he good?


If this is your first time playing through I would pick the one you have the most success with and go with it. Then on your second run through you can vary the character to another type/origin. Just a word of advice for whichever you choose, use strategy and tactics. The straight up fight will usually end in disaster. I don't want to tell you too much more for chance of ruining the experience.

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For my play style, a Mage with the Arcane Warrior & Blood Mage specializations works best. It's a powerful combo, though any class can be very powerful if built right.


It's very easy to make a powerful Dual Weapon Rogue, and pretty easy to make a powerful Dual Weapon Warrior. The hardest class to make work well is the Archer Warrior, and even those can be done well.


It's an easy game. Take a look at the Dragon Age Wiki for build ideas and try a few until you find what you like.

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Hey guys! :) I just started to play DoA and wondering which char to play.. I have both.. mage and war at 7-8lvl, but warrior seems so weak.. and I always die.. When Im with a mage I kill everythink... I usually play melee chars.. That's why I wanted to play war, but If he is that weak.. ;[


Or maybe Rogue? Havent tried him yet.. What about him? Is he good?


There are assets to having each. Ignoring personal preference here's what you'd have to look forward to with each:


Rogue: Has the highest dps-potential and can play the role of an off-tank when defense levels get high enough. The other advantage is that you are virtually guaranteed to be able to open all chests from the very beginning, and picking people's pockets is generally much more useful in the early stages where a few silver here and there can be very important. To maximize a rogue in combat you also generally have to do a bit more micromanaging than you would with a warrior so as to either benefit from backstabbing, or make sure they don't switch to melee if you want them to be an archer-- so if you want to focus your in-combat time on your main character while letting tactics handle the other three this is probably the best choice.


Warrior: My first character (and only one I've gone the whole way through thus far), the biggest luxury with being a warrior is that in the earliest stages you will have the luxury of having a tank and an off-tank with yourself and Alistair. Yes you take a lot of damage before the acquisition of good tanking armor, but if you are willing to gut through low constitution in the early stages by strength stacking, you can be a beast in the middling stages of the game doing great damage from the high str. while soaking up all but the toughest blows easily. There is also the added benefit that being the tank just helps with the feeling of being the leader of the party-- The biggest downside is that other warriors (or warrior esque large hulking rocks) are perhaps the most plentiful NPC.


Mage: While the most breakable, it is not excessively so until a Rogue's high dexterity starts spiking the defense rating. You are the most versatile character, and give your party the luxury of a healer from the start. As a buff-debuff-damage-healing-crowd control specialist it is easy to hang out on a mage and impact the fight from a nice objective distance that helps you observe the whole gig.


Playstyle isn't that big of an impact because generally speaking you will have at least one of each type of character in your party for the bulk of the game, so you can always focus on the NPC of your favored class if you don't care for your character's specific role.



I would say this, for all the fondness I have of playing through with my main character tanking the entire game, I would probably recommend one of the other two classes to be your first, with it something of a draw between the two. Sneaking around opening locked chests quite early and doing solid damage against being able to heal up Alistair and make the early goings much easier?

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