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Gecko Express Stage coach


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Quest mod which adds a mode of transport that follows the road from goodsprings down to prim across to nipton then up to new vegas. At the gas station near new vegas you meet someone who has just won big at the strip and now has money but needs help getting the Gecko express up and running.


1st go back to goodsprings and let his cousin know, he is at the gas station their.


2nd find parts for buses and fuel source


3rd clear roads of objects at key places using c4.


4th clear bus stops of any enemies random places along the route.


Once everything is up and running 2 buses will run back and forth starting either end and pass in the middle no vac maybe.


The buses stop at the bus stops you cleared allowing you to either fast travel to a stop on route or to sit and enjoy the ride like gta taxi.


Would love to see something like this and I think it would really work but obviously a lot of work would be involved so would probably need a group of dedicated professionals.

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