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Alistair at landsmeet


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I remember the dreams part...


Can you tell us more I'm dying to know the answer to this as well?


Something to the effect of (paraphrasing): I had dreams for us, plans...but I guess that doesn't matter anymore.


He's a racist male without a father anyway...who needs him?

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Thanks it still doesn't ring any bells with me, if the programmers really did give him any dreams or plans, it's a pity they didn't program him to actually tell you about what they are rather than mention them like this, he does the same thing when you break up with him, something like 'I always thought... never mind' and I'm sitting here thinking go on, go on you thought what?
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I agree with Shacry. I think it is just the old "passive aggressive" side of him. He's expecting you to finish the thought or guess what he meant. I don't believe there is meant to be any further dialogue. I adore Alistair for many of his fine upstanding and noble traits; but when you come right down to it, at least in one on one relationships he is very definitely passive aggressive. You are frequently left to fill in the blanks. I'm fairly certain that's what this, "I had dreams" stuff is all about.
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