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Is it possible to be queen without an NPC / King consort?


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No you cannot rule alone as the main character, if I understand your question correctly.


This is because Ferelden's kings are selected by blood, not by a vote. So only Anora, who was Cailan's wife, and Alistair, King Maric's half-son have a legitimate claim to the throne, other than Arl Eamon who has a claim through marriage since he is Cailan's uncle. Your human noble has no relations to the king in anyway so you cannot rule alone.

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It is actually a bit contradictory if you read the codex entries on politics:


The king is the most powerful of the teyrns. Although Denerim was originally the teyrnir of the king, it has since been reduced to an arling, as the king’s domain is now all of Ferelden. However, even the king’s power must come from the banns.


This is especially evident during the Landsmeet, an annual council for which the nobles of Ferelden gather. It has been held for almost three thousand years with only a few interruptions for Blights and invasions. The sight of a king asking for, and working to win the support of "lesser" men is a source of constant wonder to foreign ambassadors.

So technically the banns could vote to oust a king or bring in another individual should the need arise. It is too bad that Bioware ignored their own lore by not allowing the PC the chance to be sole ruler.

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