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Quest Scripting Topics


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Hi all,


So I'm clearly new here, and I am creating a oblivion mod for my graduation project..and it is in need of some quest scripting.


So I tried to whip up something really quick to get a feeling for it but there is one thing I can't get to work, and that is switching between dialogs in a topic???


To give a quick overview of the problem:


I have a quest with three stages 0,10,20

Talk to NPC, setstage 0 (works)

get item, setstage 10 (works)

But now!..When I go back to the NPC to talk to him to finish up the quest and move on to stage 20 he just repeats his first line! although there is another dialog in my topic with the getstate == 10 condition but he never uses that piece of dialog only the first..


That is imo the only problem I added a addtopic <X> statement at the point the stage is set to 10 to add a new topic which instantly set the stage to 20 and that worked fine and rounded up the quest...


Does any one know what I could be wrong, or does anyone know a good tutorial?



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