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Oblivion Vs Morrowind


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cool wenever i see the version with all the expansions i will get it and try it out. But is there vampire clans and is it at least a little bit fairer to archers?
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Not necessarily quoting, disputing or agreeing with any of the views here - however being a VERY long time Morrowind player (beta tester for original)..on into the expansions..then...all the wonderful mods. I am now at this point in my Elder Scrolls journey.


Oblivion blows the socks off Morrowind - graphically - period - I think that's a given. The music (by Jeremy Soule) is outstanding. The horses are so much fun to ride, new architecture is nice - but unfortunately, I think THAT's where it ends.


Oblivion is simply overall too easy (in spite of difficulty slider). I run an xlnt creature spawn-increase mod to give me a challenge. The interface is horrible (improved thankfully with mods) - and I generally ignore the built-in "helps"although if (when) I get bored with the sameness, I will just hop over to "that little green arrow thingy there" get it done and move on.


I do not feel the... "ha ha dear ole Uncle Crassius" - everyone hates Fargoth? involvement. Where are the wonderful Great Houses and the "battles" for supremecy. Where are the suspicious wizards up there in their "own little plant world"? Where are the Temples not free, you will donate to get help from? Divine intervention? Almsivie? Mark/recall? - so many deleted wonderful MW spells.


Where is the underlying intrigue of the snooty Imperials controling most everything in whatever small form. "You already have nearly everything and yet you want more?" I don't theeenk so lol


Oblivion combat is leveled -

fine and dandy - walk into X cave and I never had to run for my very life (even at level 1) - not so in Morrowind. You better go level up "before". Once you've done a few ruins/caves - you pretty much KNOW the exact layout you're going to see in the next one. Morrowind architecture was quite a bit more varied.


Rewards for completing a quest are leveled -

fine, except if you do the quest at a low level - you get a low-level reward - worthless later (sometimes one you can NEVER dispose of out of your inventory either if it's marked "quest item" in CS - carry that worthess item forever) a "penalty"? for surviving and doing early? how nice!


Oblivion Gates

differing basically pretty much only in the number of towers - you just did 'that' already didn't you and 16 more just like it yesterday? Do I have to? The Great Gate and its "factors" was good tho..and I enjoyed trying to keep my selflessly loyal friends alive..virtual imposibility, but with enough smarts and determination, one CAN succeed here.



A few of the Obliv quests are notable..the painter, etc. - but overall - next? Finishing the MQ, I am now left with "OK now that I'm the head of X -Y-Z- (yawn) WHY should I continue to play?"


I have saved the world..uh huh BFD - make another character? I did that 4 times already..one being a rogue archer - NEVER again (although am old experienced ranged combat player - 35 arrows to bring down a Daedroth - at skill level 75+( with hi-end bow/arrows) doesn't quite cut it.


Morrowind (on the other hand) is a kind of a sepia-tone 'visit' to.. something not quite real - but yet, isn't it? Although I ran lots of mods..boiled all down to a single face replacement - since ALWAYS wore armor, never took clothes off - needed no body replacement and used a personal, (publically released) house mod. I also ran a private teleporting mod. which got me from point A to point B - did what supposed to - then I took off exploring on foot while I was there...as there IS quite positively something there you'd NEVER find if you don't go look..and not just boogie back and finish the quest - next?


I admit I tried many texture mods - although the work was mostly outstanding, ALWAYS deleted them - back to wonderful dreary Balmora? lol. Oh yes, Morrowind has some "graphics" problems - but then it did NOT have the technology available to Oblivion and one HAS to rely on the value of the underlying game itself to hold you.


WITHOUT the "icing". Oblivion doesn't have that underlying 'hold' on me unfortunately, that allows one to overlook "age" and just enjoy the game for itself, how it was written, what is there and what YOU can do with it.


After 4+ years playing MW I can STILL truthfully say I have NOT seen it all and I eventually wound up literally "running" coast-to-coast (including the expansions as well) I've been wall-to-wall in Obliv on foot and on horseback and we certainly do have lots of great empty areas of "graphics"... (of somewhat less than stellar construction? - I tend to notice such things)!


Morrowind "calls" me - go play it again..and yet again , make a new character - be evil - be good - be a werewolf, a vampire - be whatever your heart desires - as each character WILL play out differently with variations thereof depending on YOU personally. I simply don't feel that in Oblivion - in spite of its (conceded) "wonders".


The thousands of mods available for Morrowind (in many cases) simply took something good and made it better. Oblivion mods (currently) seem to be addressed mostly to 'fixing something broken" of which I have personally seen far too many instances of.


So is Oblivion bad - was I "cheated" (dollar wise)? of course not! but I HAD hoped for SOMETHING resembling MW - only better. Then I am saying Morrowind is perfect right? NO!! - not likely, lol - but certainly better in many important ways.


Just my 2-cent babbling - undoubtedly NOT shared by others - but thanks for reading one person's opinion.



very true and well put I think. Morrowind certainly did have that unique feel to it.

Morrowind will always be the most awesome game of all time, the fact that when it came out nothing like it, on every level i think, had been done before and because of that it will always be my favourite game. You can keep your Oblivion and your Neverwinter Nights 2, cos despite its age Morrowind is unique and still kicks ass. Also because of the construction set it will never die.... :mellow:


Morowind because of better items and quests.Oblivion easier fighting and graphics.Both have good AI.Good games.

oblivion is the simple mans game, i feel it was robbed of too manly skills and spells to be as good as Morrowind. :ph34r:

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I don't like Morrowind very much. Just look at the way your player runs, plus there's no fast travel and you can't even hear a NPC you're talking to. Another thing is that you have to explore you map to find cities and stuff. Combat is kindda funny too. The only thing better are weapons, beacuse you have more classes. So i think that Oblivion is quite better
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  • 3 months later...

" P.S.: And PLEASE stop quoting entire posts - you only need to quote what you are responding to! If you think you want to respond to an entire post, then please, just say the name of the poster. I don't mind scrolling, but it's still annoying. "


Sorry for coming in so late on the discussion, but I wanted to reply to this post, not the one right before mine.




I BEGAN the game with almost top of the line graphics capability on my computer (as my computer is six years old you know I belive in upgrading) and even after I had pumped up the graphics as high as they would go (cranked the item/object/tree/creature seeability to the max, made resolution as high as my moniter allowed) it still didn't look as good as screenies on the web... so I pain-stakingly downloaded 0.4 gigs worth of oblivion mods to make it pretty and add armor and companions and stuff... and it still lacks the Morrowindian beauty of construction, if not of graphics.


Also, I noticed that the quality of oblivion mods is lower than that of the Morrowind mods... the companion mods, for example. (Ruined Tail's Tale vs. that julan-whats-his-name companion mod) The morrowind mods are so much deeper... Anyone else noticed this?


Oh, and yes, BobaFett911, I too think it would be lovely to behead and dismember my foes...(have you noticed that you can paralize a skeleton and take it's arms? Be nice if they didn't fly back on...)


all in all, I love oblivion, but Morrowind has it beat in shear depth.


*hope I haven't just disturbed a dead post...*


*if anyone knows a working link to a free download of gore mod plz gimmy*

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I agree with 'Slinkymaster5000', Morrowind had alot more depth in it than Oblivion. Besides, you could get your own personal Stronghold, with both shops as well as a few Guards :happy: . In Oblivion, you get, what, a small cottage for 5000-25000 gold. I mean, honestly, the houses (and Strongholds in Morrowind) are just for show, but at least in Morrowind you had some style in them.


(And like 'Slinky', I hope I haven't disturbed a dead post!) :unsure:

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Ideally you dont actually have to pay for your oblivion house, much like morrowind. In morrowind I would go to cauis clossedes' house and kill him, gaining a house. In oblivion, you take the quest in anvil and end up with an empty house... with map marker! Hope I didn't just 'spoiler' everyone...


oh, and Jonlissla, if we are posting on it, I guess it ain't entirely dead, huh?




but you are right, Morrowind had more style... and money making was harder too!

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I say: Buy it, mod it, play it, love it.


I wholeheartedly agree with that. Though I still play Oblivion, I have to admit I've come to like it a lot more lately especially since the Knights of the Nine release, if they keep coming wiht downloads like that I'll play it for as long as they make mods/expansions for it. Morrowind is still better in my eyes, but it is getting on in years now, so I get my pretty fix with Oblivion and my immersion with Morrowind.


It still saddens me that Oblivion isn't as deep as Morrowind, when I come back to Oblivion I always enjoy the scenery, but it still leaves me with me a feeling that something is missing. Morrowind to me feels much more personal, and Oblivion feels more like mass market product.

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Morrowind was awsome...


... 3 years ago.



If the graphics don't bother you too much it's still great. Same with Chrono Trigger which I'm playing again right now. And there are always the texture replacers... Gameplay matters to me, graphics are a (very) nice bonus.


And if you hate the combat in Morrowind, MW Enhanced can help you with that allowing you block manually and decapitate and disarm your enemies using combo's! :happy:

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Ideally you dont actually have to pay for your oblivion house, much like morrowind. In morrowind I would go to cauis clossedes' house and kill him, gaining a house. In oblivion, you take the quest in anvil and end up with an empty house... with map marker! Hope I didn't just 'spoiler' everyone...


oh, and Jonlissla, if we are posting on it, I guess it ain't entirely dead, huh?




but you are right, Morrowind had more style... and money making was harder too!


Well, don't say that! :D In morrowind, all you had to do was to kill a Dremora, get a daedric weapon, go to The Creeper (I don't remember where he was, near Balmora, in some town), who had about 5000 gold on him to barter for. The funny thing was that you ALWAYS got the full price, so it was kinda easy to gain money that way.


Oh, and when speaking of money, is the currency in The Elder Scrolls drakes, septims or is just gold? :unsure: Been bugging me for quite some time now, as I remember that they mention it in Seyda Neen...

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