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Can't edit a certain mod

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When I open up the Integration: The Stranded Light esp and make changes then save it, it crashes my game no matter what when I try to load it on Oblivion. The changes I'm trying to make are to various faces of characters in it. I've never had this problem before, usually I can just edit an esp and it works fine when I load it up. When I first open up the unedited esp, it gives me a list of these errors, and the only way I can keep editing is to allow it to make duplicates and such (see the picture). I'm thinking since it does that, that may be why it won't load.



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Try making a new esp for your changes instead of modifying the original mods esp. I use the Blank.esp include in Wrye Bash as a base for making changes to a large mod.Just make sure your new esp loads after the mod you are trying to change.
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Does the mod you are editing have any masters besides Oblivion.esm? If an esp. is missing its masters, it will crash your game. If you open a mod in the CS and it is dependent upon esmified .esp masters, you will break the mod. It will lose all of its masters, it could crash your game, and the next time you open it in the CS it will be corrupted and you will get a bunch of error messages.


If your mod is parented to other .esps, you must use Wrye Bash to esmify the .esp masters before opening in the CS. Conversely, you must espify them again before play-testing or gaming.

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