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Changing landscape textures in game via scripts (or anything else)?


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does anyone know if it's possible to change a land texture from one type to another in game via a script or anything else? I know how to do normal texturing in CS but that's not what I mean. for example, hypothetically if I was going to make a mod where you build a house in the middle of a lush field of tall green grass. but I dont want to have cobblestone roads and paths running randomly through the field before you actually build the house because that just looks ridiculous. can I somehow make the texture change from lush grass before building, to cobblestones and no grass after building? im thinking its probably impossible but im hoping someone has a way to do it
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I don't think the Oblivion game engine supports this.


There are some workarounds you might try. You could place grass-colored objects on top of your cobblestones to hide them, and then have the script disable them when you build your house so that the cobblestones are revealed.


The simple way would be to use the grass-covered boulders that are a part of the vanilla game. With careful object placement, you can get an almost-level surface with no stone showing.


A more complicated way you could use if you are a modeler and texturer is creating a custom object that covers the whole area you wish to cover with one object, and then retexture it to look like grass. You might be able to just retexture a vanilla object like blackmask01 or a Shivering Isles fort ruin floor tile and re-contour the landscape so the sharp edges don't stick out.

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