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I'm a newb at modding and i need help. i am working on a mod and trying to use a xmarker. Ive placed the xmarker and changed the id to make it a new form. Im trying to use it as a reference in some script, but when i compile, CS says it is an invalid reference. I have it marked it as a persistent reference. This also happens when i use map markers. Im sure im just an idiot and this is an easy fix. Thank you for any help.
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I'm a newb at modding and i need help. i am working on a mod and trying to use a xmarker. Ive placed the xmarker and changed the id to make it a new form. Im trying to use it as a reference in some script, but when i compile, CS says it is an invalid reference. I have it marked it as a persistent reference. This also happens when i use map markers. Im sure im just an idiot and this is an easy fix. Thank you for any help.


Did you edit the Base ID or the reference ID? Cuase Im guessing you did the first one, which isnt going to work ;p

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